Preferred Citation: Vail, Leroy, editor. The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa. London Berkeley:  Currey University of California Press,  1989.



Mabandia, Justice, 397 , 399 -400, 402 , 404

Mabandla, Prince of Swaziland and Prime Minister, 315

Mabuza, Enos, Chief Minister of KaNgwane Bantustan, 289 , 303 , 310 -16

MacDonnel Commission (1938-41), 383 -5

Makhanya, Violet Sibusisiwe, 227 -9

Makhosini, Prince of Swaziland, 307

Makololo chiefs (Malawi), 166 , 180

Makoni, Chief (Zimbabwe), 122 -5, 128 -9, 131 -2, 134 , 139 -41, 143

Malan, D.F., 41 , 43 -5, 49 , 63 -4, 68 , 96

Malawi Congress Party (MCP), ix , 151 , 178

Malawi Land Act (1965), 181

Malawi, 151 -84

Mahnowski, Bronislaw, 301

Malunge, Prince of Swaziland, 294 -5

Manda, Chief (Zaire), 201 , 205 -7

Manda, Rev. Edward Bote, 156 -7, 159 , 162 , 172 , 182 , 187 n

Mandela, Nelson, 396

Mang'anja language, 166 , see also Nyanja language

Mang'anja people (Malawi), 166 , 180

Manyika people (Zimbabwe), 118 -46

Maqoma, Chief Lent W. (Ciskei), 397 , 401 , 403 , 406 , 409

Marais, J.H. (Jannie), 44

Marwick, Brian, 300 -2, 306

Mashangana Territorial Authority, 105 -6, see also Gazankulu

Matanzima, Kaiser, Chief Minister of Transkei Bantustan, 396 -7, 403 , 409

Matsebula, J.S.M., 302

Maungwe, chiefdom of (Zimbabwe), 122 -4, 134


Mbandzeni, King of Swaziland, 291 , 293

Mbeki, Govan, 396

Mbunda people (Angola), 372 , 379 , 384 , 390

Mdantsane (Ciskei), 395 ;

bus boycott in 1983, 397 , 404 , 408

Merriman, J.X., 49 , 55 -6, 61

Mfanasabili, Prince of Swaziland and nephew of Sobhuza II, 307 , 316

Mfengu people (Ciskei), 397 -404, 409

Mhola, Chief, 297 -8, 300 , 304

Miller, Allister, 293 , 300

Milner, Lord Alfred, British High Commissioner in South Africa, 47 , 57 , 244

missionary organizations:

American Methodist Episcopal (AMEC), 125 -29, 144 ;

Anglican (UMCA), 125 , 129 -34, 143 , 171 ;

Christian Mission in Many Lands (Plymouth Brethren), 377 , 380 , 388 ;

Dutch Reformed, 127 ;

Jesuits, 125 , 135 -7;

Roman Catholic, 165 , 174 , 196 -201, 328 -9, 336 , 338 -40;

Scottish Presbyterian Blantyre Mission, 166 , 172 ;

Scottish Presbyterian Livingstonia Mission, 153 -7, 159 -60, 162 -6;

South African Baptists, 356 , 359 , 361 ;

German Lutherans, 91 -2;

Swiss Presbyterians, 91 -2;

Trappist/ Mariannhill, 125 , 134 -7;

White Fathers, 196 -200, 202 -7

missionaries, as culture brokers, 331 , 335 ;

as definers of ethnic borders, 11 -13, 85 -9, 91 , 125 -37, 204 , 328 -9, 335 ;

as educators, 12 , 100 , 133 , 139 , 154 , 174 , 202 , 249 , 275 , 278 , 301 , 329 , 331 , 338 -40, 361 , 380 -1;

as local rulers, 197 -200

Mitchell, Clyde, 193 , 356 -7, 360 -2

Mkolishi, Chief, 310 -11, 313 , 316

Mobutu, Sese Seko, President of Zaire, 207 -8

modernization theory, x , 1 -2, 4 , 82 , 109 , 151 -2

Moinet, Rev. Isaac, 197

Mombera Native Association, 162 -3

Mpanza, Charles, 217 , 223

Mphahlele, Zeke, 233

Mqhayi, S.E.K., 398 , 405

Mshiyeni, Zulu Regent, 219 , 223 , 227 , 229

Mswati I, King of Swaziland, 290 -1, 314

Mswati II, King of Swaziland, 314

Mugabe, Robert, President of Zimbabwe, 119

Mumba, Levi, 165

Mushili, Chief (Zambia), 352 , 354 , 356 , 358 -60, 364

Mutasa, Chief (Zimbabwe), 122 -5, 128 , 131 , 138

Muwalo, A.N., see Nqumayo Muwalo

Muzorewa, Bishop Abel, 119 , 145

Mwaant Yaav, Chief (Zaire), 385 -7

Mwase, George Simeon, 175

Mwondela, John, 388

Mwondela, Willie, 388


Preferred Citation: Vail, Leroy, editor. The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa. London Berkeley:  Currey University of California Press,  1989.