Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory


 expand sectionIntroductory Conclusion
 expand sectionChapter 1  Structural Causality, Contradiction, and Social Formations
 collapse sectionChapter 2  Modes of Production and Historical Development
 collapse section1. The Concept of a Mode of Production
 Etienne Balibar: The Forces and Relations of Production
 Reproduction and the Problem of Periodization
 Hindess and Hirst and the "Post-Althusserian" Negation of History
 Balibar and Wolpe: Articulation as a Concept of Transformation
 expand section2. The Concept of a Lineage Mode of Production
 expand section3. Feudalism and the Transition to Capitalism
 expand sectionChapter 3  Science, Ideology, and Philosophy
 expand sectionChapter 4  Ideology and Social Subjectivity
 expand sectionChapter 5  Literature and Ideology
 expand sectionChapter 6  Class Struggle, Political Power, and the Capitalist State

 expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionIndex

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