Jackson, Howard (Mayor), 131 -32
Jaffe, Harold W., 282 , 288 -89.
See also San Francisco City Clinic: study
JAMA , 280 , 284 , 285
Japan, 260 n128
and blood donation, 258 n120;
and plague, 37 , 40 , 59 n13, 71 ;
and polio, 52 , 57
La Course à la Mort , 187 (fig. 13)
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 149
Johns Hopkins University, 135
Jones, James H.:
Bad Blood : The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment , 143 n15
Jong, Erica, 222 -24, 225
Journalism, 228 ;
condom-, 227 ;
genres, 227
Journalistic gatekeeping, 246 n36
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA ), 208 , 213 , 214
Journal of the American Medical Woman 's Association , 278
Judicial system, 308
Justice, 164
Justice Department, 156