Working People of California



 collapse section1  WORKERS IN CALIFORNIA BEFORE 1900
 collapse section1  Brutal Appetites  The Social Relations of the California Mission
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section2  Chinese Livelihood in Rural California  The Impact of Economic Change, 1860-1880
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 Occupational Structure, 1860
 Occupational Structure, 1870
 Occupational Structure, 1880
 Further Reading

 collapse section2  WORKERS AND GROUP IDENTITY
 collapse section3  Dishing It Out  Waitresses and the Making of Their Unions in San Francisco, 1900-1941
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 Choosing Separatism
 Victories on the Political Front
 The Fruits of Solidarity
 Tactics: Reason, Humor, and Muscle
 The Compromise of Collective Bargaining
 Further Reading
 collapse section4  Okies and the Politics of Plain-Folk Americanism
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 A Framework of Understandings
 Cult of Toughness
 A Shifting Populism
 Labor's Dilemma
 True Americanism
 Native Sons
 Further Reading
 collapse section5  James v. Marinship  Trouble on the New Black Frontier
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading

 collapse section3  WORKERS ON STRIKE
 collapse section6  Racial Domination and Class Conflict in Capitalist Agriculture  The Oxnard Sugar Beet Workers' Strike of 1903
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section7  Raiz Fuerte  Oral History and Mexicana Farmworkers
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 Mrs. Valdez and the 1933 Cotton Strike
 Voice and Community
 The Community of Mexican Women
 The Structure of Memory
 Further Reading
 collapse section8  The Big Strike
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section9  A Promise Fulfilled  Mexican Cannery Workers in Southern California
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading

 collapse section4  WORKERS AND POLITICS
 collapse section10  To Save the Republic  The California Workingmen's Party in Humboldt County
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section11  Reform, Utopia, and Racism  The Politics of California Craftsmen
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 Reforms by and for the Working Class
 Elements of a Vision
 The BTC and the Left
 Racism as Self-Defense
 Further Reading
 collapse section12  Mobilizing the Homefront  Labor and Politics in Oakland, 1941-1951
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading

 collapse section13  Cesar Chavez and the Unionization of California Farmworkers
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section14  Why Aren't High-Tech Workers Organized?  Lessons in Gender, Race, and Nationality from Silicon Valley
 Editor's Introduction
 Further Reading
 collapse section15  Fontana  Junkyard of Dreams
 collapse sectionEditor's Introduction
 Fontana Farms
 Miracle Man
 The De Luxe War Baby
 Holocaust in Fontana
 Milltown Days
 Drivin' Big Bess Down
 The Unscrupulous Suitors
 The Mirage of Redevelopment
 So What's Left?
 Further Reading

 collapse sectionNotes
 1 Brutal Appetites The Social Relations of the California Mission
 2 Chinese Livelihood in Rural California The Impact of Economic Change, 1860-1880
 3 Dishing It Out Waitresses and the Making of Their Unions in San Francisco, 1900-1941
 4 Okies and the Politics of Plain-Folk Americanism
 5 James v. Marinship Trouble on the New Black Frontier
 6 Racial Domination and Class Conflict in Capitalist Agriculture The Oxnard Sugar Beet Workers' Strike of 1903
 7 Raiz Fuerte Oral History and Mexicana Farmworkers
 8 The Big Strike
 9 A Promise Fulfilled Mexican Cannery Workers in Southern California
 10 To Save the Republic The California Workingmen's Party in Humboldt County
 11 Reform, Utopia, and Racism The Politics of California Craftsmen
 12 Mobilizing the Homefront Labor and Politics in Oakland, 1941-1951
 13 Cesar Chavez and the Unionization of California Farmworkers
 14 Why Aren't High-Tech Workers Organized? Lessons in Gender, Race, and Nationality from Silicon Valley
 15 Fontana Junkyard of Dreams

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