Graduate Students
and the List of Ph.D. and M.S. Recipients
The first graduate students “at Scripps” were enrolled at Berkeley, a state of affairs that continued until the late 1930s. From 1938 the graduate administration of the institution was handled through UCLA, as part of the Southern Section of the university. The procedures and requirements of the dissertation-producing system seemed mystical — and remote — to the Scripps students in those days. They drove to UCLA as rarely as possible and dwelt in a maze of half-information until the moment of truth, when the dissertation was finally delivered, by hand, to the archivist of the UCLA library. For a number of years in the 1950s Norris W. Rakestraw served as the dean of students at Scripps, and he helped many a student avoid the administrative pitfalls.
“With the establishment of the School of Science and Engineering and UCSD, three [teaching] departments were formed [at Scripps] in the early 1960's. Some of the geologists and geochemists of the Institution spear-headed the establishment of a Department of Earth Sciences, which then became a component of the School of Science and Engineering. At the same time, a group of biologists at Scripps, having previously obtained approval for a curriculum in marine biology, succeeded in establishing a Department of Marine Biology within Scripps in 1962. Other scientists of the Institution, including a full spectrum from physical oceanographers to earth scientists, biologists and chemists, still felt the need for continued graduate training which would emphasize the interactions between the different aspects of marine science. They took the initiative in obtaining approval of the formal
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establishment of the Department of Oceanography within SIO.”
[*]These three teaching departments functioned separately until 1967, when they were reorganized into a single Graduate Department of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Within that department are seven curricular groups: biological oceanography, marine biology, marine chemistry, geological sciences, geophysics, physical oceanography, and applied ocean sciences. Warren S. Wooster became the first chairman of the combined department, succeeded in 1968 by Edward L. Winterer, who served effectively in the post for five years. In 1973 Joseph R. Curray became department chairman and served until January 1976, when he left on sabbatical, and Fred N. Spiess took the position.
In 1936 five students were registered for graduate work at Scripps Institution. At the opening of the 1976 academic year, 185 students were registered for graduate work at the institution. Throughout that interval the students have been a very significant raison d'être of the laboratory by the sea. In the pages of this book, “colleagues” and “co-workers” have often included graduate students. They have led major and minor expeditions, have published extensively, have served actively on committees, have worked alongside their professors, and have pleased and saddened them. Most of them have gotten their feet wet, and a lot of them have been seasick. One distinguished himself by failing the UCLA-imposed language requirement examination three times before going on to receive his Ph.D.; another, by allowing 14 years to elapse between enrolling and receiving his Ph.D.; a third, by receiving the only Ph.D. awarded by “the University of California at La Jolla.”
The records of the Scripps alumni have been note-worthy. Some have joined the staff of their alma mater to train the next generation, and many others have become professors and researchers at other oceanographic laboratories.
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Several have been directors or administrative officers at such institutions. Some have advised presidents — and at least one has been in jail.
Raitt and Moulton, in Scripps Institution of Oceanography: First Fifty Years, listed 137 Ph.D. recipients who “did the bulk of their work or all at Scripps Institution of Oceanography” from 1912 through 1965.[*] Since then, an additional 215 Ph.D. degrees have been awarded by Scripps Institution through the end of 1976, as follows:
1966-67 Tim P. Barnett | Kern Kenyon |
Abner Blackman | Stanley A. Kling |
Anthony J. Bowen | Albert M. Kudo |
William Fisher Busby | Jimmy C. Larsen |
George Frederick Crozier | Keith Brian Macdonald |
Jean Henri Filloux | Erk Reimnitz |
Donald V. Helmberger | Helmuth Sandstrom |
Thomas Sterling Hopkins | |
1967-68 Norman G. Banks | Karl P. Kuchnow |
John R. Booker | David L. Leighton |
Yan Bottinga | Rabindra Prasad |
Thomas A. Clarke | Vann Elliott Smith |
Brian G. D'Aoust | Herbert Windom |
Everett L. Douglas | Robert L. Zalkan |
Frank J. Hester | |
1968-69 Wolfgang H. Berger | Theodore C. Moore, Jr. |
Francis A. Dahlen | Elizabeth V. Murray |
Walter M. Darley | Thomas R. Osborn |
Bruce W. Frost | David S. Piper |
Frederick P. Healey | Robert H. Stewart |
G. Ross Heath | A. H. Mark H. Wimbush |
James H. Jones | Chi Shing Wong |
Bruce P. Luyendyk | |
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1969-70 Marvin H. Beeson | Roger L. Larson |
Jonathan Berger | James W. McBeth |
Lo-Chai Chen | David F. McGeary |
William E. Farrell | Charles Meyer, Jr. |
Nick Fotheringham | Charles B. Miller |
Richard W. Grigg | Gerald B. Morris |
Willis B. Hayes | William R. Normark |
Alice C. Jokela | Michael L. Richards |
Daniel E. Karig | Eli A. Silver |
Paul D. Komar | John M. Wells |
Ching-Ming Kuo | |
1970-71 William F. Blankley | Douglass F. Hoese |
Gerald W. Bowes | Peter M. Kroopnick |
Clement G. Chase | Richard F. Lee |
James L. Congleton | Alfred R. Loeblich III |
John B. Corliss | James J. McCarthy |
Mary R. Eaton | Robert W. Piddington |
John M. Edmond | Mary W. Silver |
Jean M. Francheteau | Robert J. Tait |
Jeffrey B. Graham | Ray F. Weiss |
Michael C. Gregg | David R. Young |
Alan R. Hargens | |
1971-72 Katherine Y. Bowen | Robert D. Nason |
Yu-Chia Chung | Robert W. Owen, Jr. |
John P. Greenhouse | Michael R. Petersen |
Barbara B. Hemmingsen | Charles F. Phleger |
James D. Irish | Thomas B. Scanland |
David A. Johnson | Joseph N. Suhayda |
Leonard E. Johnson | Cornelius W. Sullivan |
Robert Karl Johnson | Leighton R. Taylor, Jr. |
Dan H. Kerem | Wayne H. Wilson, Jr. |
Lawrence A. Klapow | John H. Wormuth |
Ronald K. Lam | |
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1972-73 Roger N. Anderson | Dale A. Kiefer |
Ross O. Barnes | Bert N. Kobayashi |
Charles K. Barry | John Douglas Macdougall |
David W. Behringer | Robert C. May |
K. Gopalakrishnan | John E. McCosker |
John A. Grow | Joane S. Molenock |
Peter W. Hacker | Christopher J. Platt |
Ann C. Hartline | Genelle W. Renz |
Jed Hirota | Edward R. Sholkovitz |
David C. Judkins | Rosemary A. Thompson |
Daniel L. Kamykowski | Paul M. Yoshioka |
1973-74 Arthur M. Barnett | Loren R. Haury |
James L. Cairns | Robherd E. Lange |
Gregory F. Dreyer | Richard J. Seymour |
Edgardo D. Gomez | Robert R. Warner |
Eric O. Hartwig | Arthur A. Wolfson |
1974-75 Raymond J. Andersen | Thomas C. Johnson |
Terrance G. Barker | Peter A. Jumars |
Edward B. Brothers | Kim D. Klitgord |
Kenneth W. Bruland | Peter F. Lonsdale |
David A. Clague | Philip S. Low |
John E. Cromwell | Jon S. Mynderse |
Thomas F. Dana | Douglas W. Oldenburg |
Bonnie J. Davis | Mary J. Perry |
John R. Dingler | Robert Pinkel |
Allan F. Divis | Harald S. Poelchau |
Gary H. Dobbs III | Francis J. Rokop |
John G. Duman | Roy A. Schroeder |
Thomas H. Ermak | Gary B. Smith |
Jimmie L. Greenslate | Martha O. Stallard |
Robert T. Guza | Mia J. Tegner |
Robert F. Hartwick | Brian E. Tucker |
William D. Ivers | Gordon O. Williams |
Richard D. Jarrard | |
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1975-76 Michael A. Barnett | John A. Orcutt |
Raymond T. Bauer | John S. Patton |
Raymond Peter Buland | John Sheldon Paul |
Douglas R. Diener | Stephen E. Pazan |
Manuel E. Fiedeiro | Barbara B. Prezelin |
Ronald A. Fritzsche | James A. Raymond |
James Douglass Hauxhurst | Lloyd A. Regier |
Barbara M. Hickey | Michael S. Reichle |
Stephen P. Huestis | Harry Francis Ridgway, Jr. |
Lawrence A. Lawver | Bruce Ray Rosendahl |
Cynthia L. Lee | Richard L. Salmon |
George Shalett Lewbel | Vernon P. Simmons |
James T. Natland | John Thomas Turk |
Richard Kiichi Nishimori | Theodore Carl Tutschulte |
Ron S. Nolan | Clark R. Wilson |
July-December 1976 Ralph J. Archuleta | Arne Croizat Joseph Mortensen |
John Edward Burris | Ian Reid |
David Michael Gardiner | George Frederick Sharman |
Greg Holloway | Eric Shulenberger |
John Bodley Keene | Gérard G. Stock |
Harold William Lyons | Nancy Wallis Withers |
Masters' Degrees (1965 through 1976)
1965 Norman Guy Banks | Carl Hubert Malone |
John Ratcliffe Booker | Michael Lee Richards |
Elaine Ruth Brooks | Charles Elmer Roberson |
Donald Vincent Helmberger | Herbert Lynn Windom |
Jon Richard Kirkpatrick | Robert Libman Zalkan |
1966 Peter Wolfgang Hacker | Daniel Agusto Rodrigues |
Kurt Hecht | Jack Irving Simmons |
Jacquelin Neva Miller | Ray Franklin Weiss |
Jose Hipolito Monteiro | |
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1967 Jonathan Berger | Janet Evelyn Preslan |
Jean E. Brenchley | Vernon Pitkin Simmons |
Francis Anthony Dahlen, Jr. | James Fielding Smith |
Manuel E. Fiadeiro | Bernard John Zahuranec |
Rene Eugenio Gonzalez, Jr. | |
1968 Christian Eric Abranson | Philip Andrew Rasmussen |
Hillel Gordin | William Albert Richkus |
Greg Holloway | Martin Gregory Sattler |
Robert James Huggett | Andrew Soutar |
Leonard Evans Johnson | Barbara Ann Symroski |
Itamar Perath | Robert Bruce Williams |
Charles Frederick Phleger | |
1969 Karen Leialoha Achor | James D. Irish |
Scott Knight Anderson, Jr. | Gerald Fulton Johnson |
Michael Alvin Barnett | Barry Stephen Kues |
Robert David Bowlus | Heryl Gordon Kroopnick |
Yi-Maw Chang | George Shalett Lewbel |
Charles Hovey Clifford | Robert Pinkel |
Peter Jay Delmonte | Francois Albert Revel |
Douglas Charles Eaton | Peter Dragutin Sertic |
Calvin C. Fong | Anne Spacie |
Barbara Mary Hickey | |
1970 Joellen Sarner Barnett | Albert Mills Soldate, Jr. |
Michael James Lees | Forrest Eugene Steber |
Harold William Lyons | David Alan Summerville |
Arnold W. Mantyla | Alina Margarita Szmant |
Dwight Dufresne Pollard | Timothy Perkins Whorf |
Alberto Ramirez-Flores | Samuel Thomas Wilson |
James Edward Smith | |
1971 Neil J. Adler | Robert Thomas Guza |
Gerard Yves Conan | John Murrah Harding, Jr. |
― 490 ― Timothy Clay Curtis | Malladi Venkata Lakshmana Rao |
Heide Sing Davis | Wayne Lewis Olsen |
John Joseph Dickinson | Hugh Paul Slawson |
Ralph Vincent Dykes | Otto Frederick Steffin |
Eric Rodholm Ernst | Stephen Eberly Thompson, Jr. |
Kakkala Gopalakrishnan | Dennis Dale Todd |
1972 Alan Floyd Chatfield | Gordon John Lusk |
David Milton Checkley, Jr. | Gary Parker Owen |
Lawrence E. Deysher, Jr. | Sheldon Morton Sanders |
Isabel Foster Downs | George D. Wilson |
1973 Tarsicio Jerez Antezana | Kin Hing Tsang |
John Wayne Hill | Clark Roland Wilson |
James Melven Schweigert | David A. Yuen |
1974 James Alan Bailard | Dudley Wade Leath |
Robert Morey Cutler | Ronald Lee Oda |
Robert Sherman Detrick, Jr. | William Leslie Preslan |
Robert Edward Fricks | Richard Wendel Robinson |
Fei Sophia Hu | Jeffrey Donald Rude |
Stephen Paul Klein | |
1975 Michael Duane Applequist | Yolanda Delores Montejano |
Bryan Reeder Burnett | Steven Elden Moran |
Jeffrey Thomas Dillingham | Paul Andrew Spudich |
Craig Louis Etka | Eduardo A. Valenzuela Ayala |
Diana Jean-Marie Gabaldon | Gregory Wallace Withee |
Lloyd Leslie Green | |
1976 Victor Chow | Roger P. Hewitt |
Timothy Gerrodette | Jan Leslie Hillson |