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  1. Absorption coefficients for dissolved gases, 190, 191, 202

  2. Absorption of radiation (see Radiation)

  3. Abyssal-benthic zone, 277

    1. animals of, 805810

  4. Accessory growth factors, 769

  5. Adaptations to planktonic existence, 764766, 821823

  6. Adiabatic temperature distribution, Mindanao Trench, 739

  7. Adiabatic temperature gradient, 63, 64

  8. Advection, definition of, 157

  9. Agulhas Stream, 696

  10. Air-borne material in sediments, 955

  11. Aleutian Current, 722, 723

  12. Algae:

    1. benthic, distribution of, 290, 291, 293, 295, 782

    2. blue-green, 288290

    3. brown, 291294

    4. coralline, 290, 295, 855

    5. green, 290291

    6. red, 294295

    7. yellow-green, 295302

  13. Alkalinity, 195198

    1. distribution, 208210

    2. relation to calcium carkonate content, 1000, 1001

  14. Allogenic minerals in sediments, 987

  15. Alternation of generations:

    1. animals, 306, 319320

    2. plants, 290, 292, 294

  16. Aluminum, 182

  17. Ammonia:

    1. distribution in oceans, 243, 244

    2. produced on sea bottom, 995

    3. role in nitrogen cycle, 256, 257

    4. seasonal variation, 252, 253

  18. Amphidromic point, 557, 558

  19. Anchoring, in deep sea, 361, 362

  20. Angular velocity of earth's rotation, 433

  21. Animal exclusion, hypothesis of, 900

  22. Animal population, 303

    1. diversity of, 282

    2. ecological gropus:

      1. benthos, 280, 800

      2. nekton, 281, 810

      3. zooplankton, 281, 812

    3. synopsis of, 304314

  23. Animals and the environmental factors, 823873

    1. light, 824

      1. color correlations, 824830

      2. structural correlations, 830833

      3. vertical migrations, 835839

    2. ocean currents, 858869

      1. dispersal by, 858

      2. maintenance of endemic population by, 863865

    3. oxygen, 869

      1. anaerobic conditions, 871

      2. consumption of, 852, 853, 870, 873

    4. salinity, 839843

      1. a selective agency, 840

      2. euryhalinity, 840

      3. size and, 842

      4. stenohalinity, 839

    5. temperature, 843858

      1. effect of freezing, 844

      2. influence on calcium precipitation, 853

      3. influence on geographic distribution, 845, 849, 851

      4. influence on metabolism, 852

      5. influence on reproduction, 845849, 857

      6. influence on size, 855857

      7. influence on speciation, 867869

  24. Annelida:

    1. reproduction, 321

    2. synopsis, 308

  25. Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 613621

  26. Antarctic Circumpolar Water, 607, 610611

    1. renewal, 620

  27. Antarctic Convergence, 139

    1. biology of, 809, 941, 942

    2. formation, 618

    3. location, 606, 607

  28. 1062
  29. Antarctic Intermediate Water, 139, 608

    1. formation, 619

    2. Indian Ocean, 691, 692, 697

    3. North Atlantic, 670, 685, 686

    4. South Atlantic, 626, 627, 629

    5. South Pacific, 699701

    6. spreading of, 139, 744, 745

  30. Antarctic Ocean:

    1. bottom topography, 32

    2. currents, 613621

    3. oxygen distribution, 621623

    4. water masses, 605613

  31. Antilles Current, 672, 675

  32. Aragonite, 998, 1027

  33. Arctic Intermediate Water:

    1. North Atlantic, 670, 685, 686

    2. Pacific, 717, 718

      1. formation, 722

    3. spreading, 745

  34. Arctic plankton, 856, 868

  35. Argon, 189

  36. Arsenic, 183

  37. Arthropoda:

    1. reproduction, 322324

    2. synopsis, 309

  38. Artificial sea water, 185, 186

  39. Ascendant, definition of, 156

  40. Associations of organisms, 880882

    1. commensalism, 881

    2. environmental associations, 880

    3. parasitism, 882

    4. symbiosis, 881

  41. Atlantic Ocean (see also North Atlantic and South Atlantic):

    1. boundaries, 11

    2. equatorial region, 631637

      1. currents, 632637

      2. water masses, 631, 632

    3. oxygen distribution, 210, 686, 748

    4. tides, 581585

  42. Atmosphere, composition of, 189

  43. Authigenic minerals in sediments, 1027

    1. frequency of occurrence, 987

  44. Auxospores, 298

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