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1. Fabian Schmidt, "The Sandžak: Muslims between Serbia and Montenegro," RFE/RL Research Report, 11 February 1994, 29–35. [BACK]

2. Quoted in James Rupert, "Borderland Braces for Ethnic War; Serb Militias Active in Muslim Region," Washington Post, 29 May 1993. [BACK]

3. The League of Communists of Yugoslavia officially recognized a Muslim nationality in the 1970s. For more on Muslim Slavs in Bosnia, see Tone Bringa, Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999). [BACK]

4. Lenard Cohen, Broken Bonds, 144. [BACK]

5. Susan Woodward, Balkan Tragedy, 301. [BACK]

6. Lenard Cohen, Broken Bonds, 279. [BACK]

7. Milan Andrejevich, "The Sandžak: The Next Balkan Theater of War?" RFE/RL Research Report, 27 November 1992. [BACK]


8. "Sandžak Muslims Confer with Carrington," Borba, 23 March 1992, available through FBIS [cited on 30 March 1992], EEU-92–061. [BACK]

9. Cited in Audrey Helfant Budding, Serb Intellectuals, 395. [BACK]

10. Audrey Helfant Budding, Serb Intellectuals, 396. [BACK]

11. "Sandž Official Calls for Deployment of UN Forces Following Incidents," Radio Belgrade, 20 February 1993, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 22 February 1993], EE/1619/C1. [BACK]

12. Nedim, interview by author, Sandž, May 1997. [BACK]

13. Nijaz, interview by author, Prijepolje, May 1997. [BACK]

14. Dino, interview by author, Pljevlja, May 1997. [BACK]

15. Stevo, interview by author, Podgorica, June 1997. [BACK]

16. Zoran, interview by author, Pljevlja, May 1997. [BACK]

17. Louise Branson, "On the Line with Serbia's Bold Weekend Warriors," Sunday Times (London), 16 August 1992. [BACK]

18. Milan, interview by author, Pljevlja, May 1997. [BACK]

19. Roger Cohen, "Montenegrin Town, All but at War, Shows Danger That Fight Will Spread," New York Times, 13 September 1992. [BACK]

20. Nusret, interview by author, Pljevlja, May 1997. [BACK]

21. Senad, interview by author, Pljevlja, May 1997. [BACK]

22. Interviews by author, Novi Pazar, February 1997. [BACK]

23. Sead, interview by author, Novi Pazar, February 1997. [BACK]

24. Dženan, interview by author, Novi Pazar, February 1997. [BACK]

25. Sejo, interview by author, Priboj, February 1997. [BACK]

26. Safet, interview by author, Priboj, February 1997. [BACK]

27. Mehmet, interview by author, Priboj, February 1997. [BACK]

28. Blaine Harden, "Prelude to Ethnic Cleansing Is Heard in Serbia," Washington Post, 11 November 1992. [BACK]

29. Yigal Chazan, "Serbian Brutality Revives Old Fears," Guardian, 9 November 1992. [BACK]

30. Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight Report No. 22 (Belgrade: Humanitarian Law Center, 1994). [BACK]

31. "Police Still Searching for Attackers of Sandž Village," Yugoslav Telegraph Service, 24 February 1993, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 1 March 1993], EE/1625/C1. [BACK]

32. "Yugoslav Army to Reinforce Border Patrols after Priboj Kidnapping," Tanjug, 26 October 1992, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 28 October 1992], EE/1523/C1/1. [BACK]

33. "Fate of Abducted Muslims Uncertain; Human Rights Minister Memić Protests," Tanjug, 23 October 1992, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 24 October 1992], EE/1520/C1/7. See also Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight Report No. 22; "Kidnapped!" Vreme, 3 January 1994, in Serbo-Croat; "Silence Wrapped around Fear," Borba, 9 November 1992, in Serbo-Croat. [BACK]

34. "Serbs and Muslims Removed from Train on Belgrade-Bar Line," Serbian Radio, 28 February 1993, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 2 March 1993], EE/1626/C1. [BACK]

35. See Lukić's international war crimes tribunal indictment for details of his

activities ("The Prosecutor of the Tribunal against Milan Lukić, Sredoje Lukić, and Mitar Lukić," case #IT-98–32-I, 26 October, 1998. Available online at [BACK]

36. "Captain Pendurević Has Nothing to Do with the Kidnapping Case. Passengers Were Kidnapped and Killed by Milan Lukić," Dnevni Telegraf, 26 August 1996; "Everyone Knew That Lukić Was a Thug, but No One Dared to Stand Up to Him and Say: ‘Enough!’" Dnevni Telegraf, 27 August 1996; "Lukić and Pendurevic Were on Blood and Knife. Vinko Used to Say: If I Kill Him, They Will Kill Me, Saying I Killed a Serb," Dnevni Telegraf, 28 August 1996; "I Have No Connection with the Štrpci Kidnapping Case. I Met Lukić Only Once in My Life, and I Did Not Accept Him into My Unit," Dnevni Telegraf, 9 September 1996. All articles in Serbo-Croatian. [BACK]

37. Zoran Šaponjić: "Paramilitaries Are All Around," Borba, 25 October 1992, as well as his "Night of the Triggers," Borba, 28 October 1992; "No Witnesses against Lukić," Borba, 29 October 1992. All articles in Serbo-Croatian. [BACK]

38. Zoran Šaponjić, "Night of the Triggers." [BACK]

39. Predrag, interview by author, Priboj, February 1997. [BACK]

40. Zoran Šaponjić, "Paramilitaries All Around." [BACK]

41. Zoran Prijević, "Kidnapped Muslims Alive?" Borba, 19 November 1992. In Serbo-Croatian. [BACK]

42. "Yugoslav, Serbian and Local Authorities Call on Muslims to Return to Sjeverin," Tanjug, 31 October 1992, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 3 November 1992], EE/1525/C1/6. [BACK]

43. Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight Report No. 22. [BACK]

44. "Prijepolje Muslims Protest about Train Kidnapping inside Bosnia," Serbian Radio, 2 March 1993, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 6 March 1993], EE/1630/C1. [BACK]

45. Husein, interview by author, Prijepolje, February 1997. [BACK]

46. Jasmina, interview by author, Belgrade, May 1997. Jasmina had worked as an investigator in the Sandž for Belgrade-based human rights groups. [BACK]

47. Stan Markotich, "Vojvodina: A Potential Power Keg," RFE/RL Research Report, 19 November 1993. In 1992, after Croatia won its independence, many ethnic Croats left Vojvodina. Project on Ethnic Relations, Fact-Finding Mission on Inter-Ethnic Relations in Serbia/Yugoslavia and the Situation of Serbs in Croatia (Unpublished paper, Belgrade, Forum on Ethnic Relations, n.d.), sets the percentage of Croats in Vojvodina at 3.5. [BACK]

48. Zoran Lutovac, "Political Culture of Serbia"; Stan Markotich, "Vojvodina"; Patrick Moore, "The Minorities' Plight Amid Civil War," RFE/RL Research Report, 13 December 1991; and Hugh Poulton, "Rising Ethnic Tension in Vojvodina," RFE/RL Research Report, 18 December 1992. [BACK]

49. Milan Andrejevich, "Vojvodina Hungarian Group to Seek Cultural Autonomy," Report on Eastern Europe, 12 October 1990; Edith Oltay, "Hungarians in Yugoslavia Seek Guarantees for Minority Rights," Report on Eastern Europe, 20 September 1991; and "Hungarians under Political Pressure in Vojvodina," RFE/RL Research Report, 3 December 1993. [BACK]

50. See, for example, "Proposal for New Vojvodina Status," Borba, 25 February 1992, available through FBIS [cited 16 March 1992], EEU-92–051. [BACK]


51. Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight Report No. 22, 3–7, 61–86. [BACK]

52. Father Dejan, interview by author, Novi Sad, June 1997; and Stanimir, leader in the League of Vojvodina Social Democrats, interview by author, Novi Sad, June 1997. [BACK]

53. Father Dejan, interview. [BACK]

54. Cited in Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight on Human Rights Violations in Times of Armed Conflict (Belgrade: Humanitarian Law Center, 1995), 6, note 4. [BACK]

55. "Socialist Party of Serbia Condemns Demand for Expulsion of Croats," Tanjug, 3 April 1992, available through BBC Summary of World Broadcasts [cited 6 April 1992], EE/1348/C1/1. [BACK]

56. Some Vojvodina Croats served in the Yugoslav federal army during the fighting in Croatia, but were suspected by Serbian nationalists of disloyalty. Among other reasons, Vojvodina Hungarians seemed suspect to some Serbs because of the Hungarian government's weapons sales to Croatia. [BACK]

57. Stanimir, interview. [BACK]

58. Father Dejan, interview. [BACK]

59. Father Sreten, interview by author, Hrtkovci, June 1997. [BACK]

60. Father Dejan, interview. [BACK]

61. Stanimir, interview. [BACK]

62. For example, Carol Williams, "In Serbia, Standing Up to the Ethnic Cleansers," Los Angeles Times, 23 August 1992; Ray Moseley, "Ethnic Bullies Terrorize Town's Non-Serb Residents," Chicago Tribune, 31 July 1992; Jonathan Landay, "Non Serbs Are Forced from Vojvodina Region," Christian Science Monitor, 20 July 1992; Vesna Perić Zimonjić, "In the Village of Hrtkovci," Inter Press Service, 28 July 1992; Ken Kasriel, "Tales of Forced Exodus of Non-Serbs from Vojvodina," Inter Press Service, 29 July 1992; "Terror Campaign to Force Out Non-Serbs," Agence France Presse, 22 May 1992; and Thom Shanker, "‘Cleansing’ Abuses Pit Serbs against Serbs," Chicago Tribune, 10 September 1992. [BACK]

63. For details, see Humanitarian Law Center, Spotlight on Human Rights Violations in Times of Armed Conflict, 62–65. [BACK]

64. Nataš Kandić, interview. [BACK]

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