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8— Carbonic Acid and Natural Types

1. The best brief source for Edward Frankland is presently W. H. Brock's biography in the DSB , 5 , 124-127; C. A. Russell is at work on the second volume of his detailed biography. [BACK]

2. Frankland, "On a New Series of Organic Bodies Containing Metals and Phosphorus," JCS , 2 (1849), 297-299. [BACK]

3. Frankland, "On a New Series of Organic Bodies Containing Metals," PTRS , 142 (1852), 417-444 (on p. 432). [BACK]

4. Frankland to Kolbe, 9 March 1862, Frankland Archive 01.03.429. [BACK]

5. Hofmann, "Note on the Action of Heat upon Valeric Acid," JCS , 3 (1850), 121-134; Brodie, "Observations on the Constitution of the Alcohol-Radicals, and on the Formation of Ethyl," ibid., pp. 405-411; Wurtz, "Sur une nouvelle classe de radicaux organiques," Ann. chim. , [3] 44 (1855), 275-313. [BACK]

6. Frankland, "Organic Bodies Containing Metals," pp. 438-442; Gerhardt and L. Chiozza, "Recherches sur les amides," C.r. , 37 (1853), 86-90. [BACK]

7. Frankland, "Researches on Organo-Metallic Bodies—Second Memoir. Zincethyl," PTRS , 145 (1855), 259-275; "On Some Organic Compounds Containing Metals," British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports , 25 (2) (1855), 62; Sketches from the Life of Edward Frankland (London: Spottiswoode, 1901), p. 193; Kolbe, Das chemische Laboratorium der Universität Marburg (Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1865), p. 33n. [BACK]

8. Frankland, "Researches on Organo-Metallic Bodies—Third Memoir. On a New Series of Organic Acids Containing Nitrogen," PTRS , 147 (1856), 59-78. [BACK]

9. Frankland, "On Some Organic Compounds Containing Metals," in n. 7. [BACK]

10. Frankland, Experimental Researches in Pure, Applied, and Physical Chemistry (London: Van Voorst, 1877), pp. 146-148 and 154; Sketches , pp. 188-191 and 201-203. [BACK]

11. Frankland, "Zincethyl," pp. 266, 271, and 274, in n. 7. [BACK]

12. Frankland, "On the Dependence of the Chemical Properties of Compounds upon the Electrical Character of their Constituents," Proceedings of the Royal Institution , 1 (1854), 451-454 (on p. 454). [BACK]

13. Frankland, Experimental Researches , pp. 147-148; Sketches , pp. 193-197; Kolbe, "Über die rationelle Zusammensetzung der fetten und aromatischen Säuren, Aldehyde, Acetone u.s.w., und ihre Beziehungen zur Kohlensäure," Annalen , 101 (1857), 257-265 (on pp. 259-260); Kolbe, Das chemische Laboratorium , p. 33; Kolbe to Frankland, 24 November 1863, Frankland Archive 01.04.73. [BACK]

14. Kolbe, "Radicale, Radicaltheorie," Handwörterbuch , 6 , 802-807. A description of this article in the context of Wurtz' work on radicals is provided at the end of chap. 6. [BACK]

15. Kolbe, "Rationelle Zusammensetzung." [BACK]

16. No letters between Frankland and Kolbe appear to have survived from any of the years 1855-1861. Kolbe complained to Frankland of the latter's years of silence in his letters of 2 January and 5 February 1862, Frankland Archive 01.08.567 and 01.03.426. [BACK]

17. Kolbe to Frankland, 5 February 1862 and 24 November 1863, Frank-land Archive 01.03.426 and 01.04.73. [BACK]

18. Kolbe to Frankland, 24 November 1863, Frankland Archive 01.04.73. [BACK]

19. R. Piria, "Über die Umwandlung organischer Säuren in die entsprechenden Aldehyde," Annalen , 100 (1856), 104-106. [BACK]

20. This at least is the import of Frankland's letter draft to Kolbe, 9 March 1862, Frankland Archive 01.03.429 and 01.03.424. The actual letter has not survived. Kolbe did not soon respond to the matter raised in this letter. Apparently Frankland referred to it the following year, for in October 1863 (01.04.69), Kolbe answered that he did not remember receiving such a letter and asked him to repeat what he had written. Frankland must have done this, for Kolbe's next communication was the long self-exoneration of 24 November 1863. Thus, Kolbe may never have received the letter of 9 March 1862; it may never even have been mailed. [BACK]

21. Kolbe to Vieweg, 4 January 1857, VA 122. [BACK]

22. Frankland to Kolbe, 9 March 1862, Frankland Archive 01.03.429. [BACK]

23. Kolbe, Dos chemische Laboratorium , pp. 29-36. [BACK]

24. Kolbe to Hermann Ost, 20 December 1884, SSDM 3575. [BACK]

25. Frankland, Experimental Researches , p. 148. [BACK]

26. E. von Meyer, trans. G. M'Gowan, A History of Chemistry (London: Macmillan, 1891), p. 298n. [BACK]

27. Kolbe, JpC , 131 (1881), 363 and 367. [BACK]

28. Kolbe to Vieweg, 24 March 1857, VA 125. Kolbe did not use the word "Revolution" or "Umwälzung"; as is fitting for the son of a Lutheran pastor, he wrote, "Es giebt eine kleine Reformation in der organischen Chemie." [BACK]

29. James Wanklyn, "On Some New Ethyl-Compounds Containing the Alkali-Metals," Proceedings of the Royal Society , 9 (1858), 341-345. [BACK]

30. Frankland to Wanklyn, 8 March 1858, SSDM 3574. [BACK]

31. Kolbe to Frankland, 24 November 1863, Frankland Archive 01.04.73; Kolbe, "Über den natürlichen Zusammenhang der organischen mit den unorganischen Verbindungen," Annalen , 113 (1860), 293-332 (on pp. 298-299n). [BACK]

32. Bunsen to Kolbe, 15 March 1858, SSDM 3499. [BACK]

33. Kolbe to Frankland, 5 February 1862, Frankland Archive 01.03.426. [BACK]

34. W. H. Brock, "James Wanklyn," DSB , 14 , pp. 168-170. [BACK]

35. Frankland, "On the Artificial Formation of Organic Compounds," Proceedings of the Royal Institution , 2 (1858), 538-544. [BACK]

36. Frankland, "On Organo-Metallic Bodies," JCS , 13 (1860), 177-235. [BACK]

37. Frankland, "Researches on Organo-Metallic Bodies—Fourth Memoir," PTRS , 149 (1859), 401-415 (on p. 411). [BACK]

38. Kolbe to Vieweg, 1 June 1856 and 4 August 1858, VA 119 and 141. [BACK]

39. Kolbe to Vieweg, 24 October 1859, VA 153. [BACK]

40. The fourth installment constitutes pp. 481-672 of vol. 1 of Kolbe's Ausführliches Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie (Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1854); the section "Theoretische Ansichten über die Zusammensetzung der Alkohole, der Acetone, Aldehyde, und der zugehörigen Säuren" fills pp. 567-575. [BACK]

41. Kolbe to Vieweg, 31 August 1858, VA 132. [BACK]

42. Regarding the dating of the writing of this installment, see Kolbe to Vieweg, 13 August, 31 August, 8 November, and 20 December 1857, VA 131-134. A publication date of either December 1857 or January 1858 is consistent with these-letters. In an unpublished priority claim, Kekulé cited Hinrich's Bücherverzeichnis to argue that it appeared in the first half of 1858 (R. Anschütz, August Kekulé , 2 vols. [Berlin: Verlag Chemie, 1929], 1 , 560n.). But Kolbe claimed that it appeared before the end of 1857 ( JpC , 131 [1881], 369), and Kayser's Bücherlexicon supports this dating. [BACK]

43. Kolbe to Vieweg, 20 December 1857, VA 134. [BACK]

44. Kolbe to Vieweg, 23 June 1858, VA 139. [BACK]

45. Kolbe, Über die chemische Constitution organischer Verbindungen (Marburg: Elwert, 1858). [BACK]

46. Double fascicle 8/9 was the fifth installment of vol. 1, pp. 673-848. Sheet 42 consisted of pp. 657-672; one of the copies at my disposal contains both versions of the sheet. [BACK]

47. Regarding the dating of the writing of the fifth installment, see Kolbe to Vieweg, 10 October, 20 October, 8 November, and 24 December 1858 and 5 January 1859 (VA 142, 143, 144, 146, and 147). Kolbe claimed that this installment was published late in 1858 ( JpC , 131 [1881], 370), but both Hinrich's Bücherverzeichnis and Kayser's Bücherlexicon list the work as appearing in the first half of 1859, as Kekulé maintained (Anschütz, 1 , 560n.). [BACK]

48. Wurtz, "Mémoire sur la constitution et sur la vrai formule de l'acide oxalique," C.r. , 44 (1857), 1306-1310; idem, "Recherches sur l'acide lactique," C.r. , 46 (1858), 1228-1232; idem, "Sur les éthers du glycol," C.r. , 47 (1858), 346-350; H. Debus, "On the Oxidation of Glycol, and on Some Salts of Glyoxylic Acid,'' Proceedings of the Royal Society , 9 (1859), 711-716. [BACK]

49. F. Guthrie and Kolbe, "Über die Verbindungen des Valerals mit Säuren," Annalen , 109 (1859), 296-300. [BACK]

50. Kolbe, Lehrbuch , pp. 672-681 and 733-738.

51. Ibid., pp. 672, 675-676, and 734.

52. Ibid., pp. 738-740. [BACK]

50. Kolbe, Lehrbuch , pp. 672-681 and 733-738.

51. Ibid., pp. 672, 675-676, and 734.

52. Ibid., pp. 738-740. [BACK]

50. Kolbe, Lehrbuch , pp. 672-681 and 733-738.

51. Ibid., pp. 672, 675-676, and 734.

52. Ibid., pp. 738-740. [BACK]

53. "Theoretische Betrachtungen über die Sättigungscapacität der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Radicale," ibid., pp. 740-749.

54. Ibid., pp. 740-742.

55. Ibid., pp. 744-745. Square brackets are added here for greater clarity; these brackets are consistent with Kolbe's later usage.

56. Ibid., pp. 746-749. [BACK]

53. "Theoretische Betrachtungen über die Sättigungscapacität der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Radicale," ibid., pp. 740-749.

54. Ibid., pp. 740-742.

55. Ibid., pp. 744-745. Square brackets are added here for greater clarity; these brackets are consistent with Kolbe's later usage.

56. Ibid., pp. 746-749. [BACK]

53. "Theoretische Betrachtungen über die Sättigungscapacität der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Radicale," ibid., pp. 740-749.

54. Ibid., pp. 740-742.

55. Ibid., pp. 744-745. Square brackets are added here for greater clarity; these brackets are consistent with Kolbe's later usage.

56. Ibid., pp. 746-749. [BACK]

53. "Theoretische Betrachtungen über die Sättigungscapacität der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Radicale," ibid., pp. 740-749.

54. Ibid., pp. 740-742.

55. Ibid., pp. 744-745. Square brackets are added here for greater clarity; these brackets are consistent with Kolbe's later usage.

56. Ibid., pp. 746-749. [BACK]

57. These sentiments are expressed in the letters from Kolbe to Vieweg cited in n. 47 (October 1858 through January 1859). [BACK]

58. Kolbe, Lehrbuch , p. 673; "Zusammenhang," p. 294n. [BACK]

59. Kolbe to Vieweg, 15 and 24 October 1859, VA 152 and 153. [BACK]

60. Anschütz, Kekulé , 1 , 175. [BACK]

61. Kolbe, "Zusammenhang," pp. 293-295 and 332; reprinted under same title, E. von Meyer, ed., as Ostwalds Klassiker Nr. 92 (Leipzig: Engelmann, 1897). [BACK]

62. Kolbe, "Zusammenhang," pp. 313-316. [BACK]

63. Kolbe to Vieweg, 1 March 1860, VA 155. This is the first time Kekulé's name appears in any of Kolbe's surviving correspondence.è

64. ibid. Wurtz, Répertoire de chimie pure , 2 (1860), 354-359; ibid., 3 (1861), 418-421; Leons de philosophie chimique (Paris: Hachette, 1864), pp. 113-114.

65. ibid. Kopp, Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie , 13 (1860), 218-222; ibid., 10 (1857), 269-270. [BACK]

63. Kolbe to Vieweg, 1 March 1860, VA 155. This is the first time Kekulé's name appears in any of Kolbe's surviving correspondence.è

64. ibid. Wurtz, Répertoire de chimie pure , 2 (1860), 354-359; ibid., 3 (1861), 418-421; Leons de philosophie chimique (Paris: Hachette, 1864), pp. 113-114.

65. ibid. Kopp, Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie , 13 (1860), 218-222; ibid., 10 (1857), 269-270. [BACK]

63. Kolbe to Vieweg, 1 March 1860, VA 155. This is the first time Kekulé's name appears in any of Kolbe's surviving correspondence.è

64. ibid. Wurtz, Répertoire de chimie pure , 2 (1860), 354-359; ibid., 3 (1861), 418-421; Leons de philosophie chimique (Paris: Hachette, 1864), pp. 113-114.

65. ibid. Kopp, Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie , 13 (1860), 218-222; ibid., 10 (1857), 269-270. [BACK]

66. Liebig to Kolbe, 3 April 1860, SSDM 3603. [BACK]

67. Liebig to Wöler, 15 April 1857, 27 February 1865, and March 1870, in Hofmann, LWB , 2 , 42, 179, and 280; Wöhler to Kolbe, 5 December 1862 and 17 October 1878, SSDM 3538 and 3542; Kolbe to Wöhler, 15 October 1878, Wöhler Nachlass. [BACK]

68. Liebig to Frankland, 28 January 1866, Liebigiana IIB; Liebig to Kolbe, 15 July 1861, SSDM 3606. [BACK]

69. E. von Meyer, "Die Karlsruhe Chemiker-Versammlung im Jahre 1860," Journal für praktische Chemie , 191 (1911), 182-189; Anschütz, August

Kekulé , 1 , 183-209 and 671-688; A. Stock, Der internationale Chemiker-Kongress (Berlin: Verlag Chemie, 1933); C. deMilt, "Carl Weltzien and the Congress at Karlsruhe," Chymia , 1 (1948), 153-169; idem, "The Congress at Karlsruhe," Journal of Chemical Education , 28 (1951), 421-424; A. J. Ihde, "The Karlsruhe Congress: A Centennial Retrospect," Journal of Chemical Education , 38 (1961), 83-86; and Rocke, Chemical Atomism in the Nineteenth Century (Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1984), pp. 287-311. [BACK]

70. Pebal to Roscoe, 25 May 1860, Roscoe Collection. [BACK]

71. Brodie to Kekulé, 27 May 1860, and Williamson to Kekulé, 24 April 1860, August-Kekulé-Sammlung, Darmstadt. [BACK]

72. L. Meyer, "Leopold von Pebal," Berichte , 20 (1887), 997-1015 (on p. 1000). [BACK]

73. Meyer to Roscoe, 6 July 1860, Roscoe Collection. [BACK]

74. Kolbe to Weltzien, 17 April 1860, August-Kekulé-Sammlung, Darmstadt; printed in Anschütz, August Kekulé , 1 , 188. [BACK]

75. Kolbe to Vieweg, 16 October 1860, VA 160. [BACK]

76. Cannizzaro, ed. and trans. L. Meyer, Abriss eines Lehrganges der theoretischen Chemie (Leipzig: Ostwalds Klassiker Nr. 30, Engelmann, 1891), p. 59. [BACK]

77. Cited in J. R. Partington, A History of Chemistry , 4 (London: Macmillan, 1964), 489. [BACK]

78. Frankland, Sketches , pp. 191, 201, and 203. [BACK]

79. See Otto Krätz, ed., Beilstein-Erlenmeyer Briefe (Munich: Fritsch, 1972), passim. [BACK]

80. Kekulé to Meyer, 23 October 1860, August-Kekulé-Sammlung, Darmstadt; printed in Anschütz, August Kekulé , 1 , 205. [BACK]

81. Kolbe, "Moden der modernen Chemie," JpC , 112 (1871), 241-271 (on p. 246). [BACK]

82. Kekulé, Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie , 2 vols. (Erlangen: Encke, 1859-1867), 1 , 736-737; 2 , 247-249. [BACK]

83. Butlerov, "Über die verschiedenen Erklärungsweisen einiger Fälle von Isomerien," ZfC 6 (1863), 500-534 (on p. 513); Kolbe, "Moden," p. 247; Frankland, Experimental Researches , pp. 153-154. [BACK]

84. Anschütz, Kekulé , 1 , 556-558. [BACK]

85. Kolbe, "Über die realen Typen der organischen Chemie," Das Chemische Laboratorium , pp. 515-519. [BACK]

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