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8— Coloured Identity and Coloured Politics in the Western Cape Region of South Africa

1. The classification of the population of South Africa used in this essay will follow the official classification outlined in the Population Registration Act, No. 30 of 1950. For definitions of the statutory race groups, see M. Horrell, Legislation and Race Relations (Johannesburg, 1971) and its supplements. Following the official census, the term 'Coloured' in this essay will for the period after 1904 refer to the statutory group which excludes Africans. The term 'Coloured identity' will refer to an ethnic identity which does not necessarily correspond with the official race classification. Indeed, many people defined as Coloured, African or white reject those definitions. The term 'black' in this paper will refer to people designated as Coloured and African and should not be confused with the state's use of the term to refer to people previously categorized as 'Africans', 'Natives', 'Bantu' or 'Kaffirs'. When referring to the nineteenth century the term Coloured, unless otherwise stated, will refer to that class of people who in the twentieth century came to be defined as Coloured. [BACK]

2. See, for example, C. Bundy, The Rise and Fall of a South African Peasantry (London, 1979), and S. Marks and R. Gray, 'Southern African and Madagascar' in R. Gray, ed., The Cambridge History of Africa Vol. 4: c. 1600 to 1790 (Cambridge, 1975).

3. Ibid., p. 443.

4. Ibid., p. 451. [BACK]

2. See, for example, C. Bundy, The Rise and Fall of a South African Peasantry (London, 1979), and S. Marks and R. Gray, 'Southern African and Madagascar' in R. Gray, ed., The Cambridge History of Africa Vol. 4: c. 1600 to 1790 (Cambridge, 1975).

3. Ibid., p. 443.

4. Ibid., p. 451. [BACK]

2. See, for example, C. Bundy, The Rise and Fall of a South African Peasantry (London, 1979), and S. Marks and R. Gray, 'Southern African and Madagascar' in R. Gray, ed., The Cambridge History of Africa Vol. 4: c. 1600 to 1790 (Cambridge, 1975).

3. Ibid., p. 443.

4. Ibid., p. 451. [BACK]

5. J. Moodie, Ten Years in South Africa (London, 1835), p.304. [BACK]

6. See S. Newton-King, The Rebellion of Khoi in Graaf-Reinet, 1799 to 1803 (Cape Town, 1980), passim . [BACK]

7. J. Marais, The Cape Coloured People, 1652-1937 (Johannesburg, 1957), p.114.

8. Ibid., p.109; G. Cary, The Rise of South Africa (London, 1968), p.149. [BACK]

7. J. Marais, The Cape Coloured People, 1652-1937 (Johannesburg, 1957), p.114.

8. Ibid., p.109; G. Cary, The Rise of South Africa (London, 1968), p.149. [BACK]

9. E. Walker, A History of South Africa (London, 1968), p.149. break [BACK]

10. S. Trapido, "The friends of the natives: merchants, peasants and the political and ideological structure of liberalism in the Cape, 1854-1910', in S. Marks and A. Atmore, eds., Economy and Society in Pre-Industrial South Africa (London, 1980), p.262. [BACK]

11. S. Trapido, 'White conflict and non-White participation in the politics of the Cape of Good Hope, 1853-1910', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of London, 1970. [BACK]

12. Cited in Trapido, "The friends of the natives', p.262, and Trapido, 'White conflict', p.39.

13. Ibid . [BACK]

12. Cited in Trapido, "The friends of the natives', p.262, and Trapido, 'White conflict', p.39.

13. Ibid . [BACK]

14. W. M. Macmillan, The Cape Colony Question: an Historical Survey (London, 1937), p.267.

15. Ibid . [BACK]

14. W. M. Macmillan, The Cape Colony Question: an Historical Survey (London, 1937), p.267.

15. Ibid . [BACK]

16. See Trapido, 'White conflict', passim ; Trapido, "The friends of the natives', passim ; M. Legassick, 'The frontier tradition in South African historiography', in Marks and Atmore, eds., Economy and Society in Pre-Industrial South Africa, pp.44-79, passim . [BACK]

17. Macmillan, Cape Colony Question, p.141, and S. Newton-King, The Rebellion of Khoi, p.192, among others, are wrong to suggest that by 1853 the term 'Coloured' had been reconstituted in colonial discourse and had replaced the term 'Hottentot'. 'Hottentot' appeared as a sub-category of the category 'Coloured' in the 1892 Cape Census. The latter category included all non-European people. [BACK]

18. G 6/92 Cape Census, 1892, XVII, paras 98-100.

19. Ibid., para. 98. [BACK]

18. G 6/92 Cape Census, 1892, XVII, paras 98-100.

19. Ibid., para. 98. [BACK]

20. Cape Colony, Select Committee Report, A12-1890, p.40, cited in V. Bickford-Smith, 'Black labour in the docks at the beginning of the twentieth century', in C. Saunders and H. Phillips, eds., Studies in the History of Cape Town, Vol. 2 (Cape Town, 1980), p.87. [BACK]

21. G19/1905, Cape Census, 10-4, para. 102.

22. Ibid . [BACK]

21. G19/1905, Cape Census, 10-4, para. 102.

22. Ibid . [BACK]

23. C. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', unpublished seminar paper, Oxford University, February 1983, p.4.

24. See ibid ., p. 4-5; W. Beinart, 'Notes on changes in the occupational structure of the Coloured people: a historical perspective', unpublished essay, 16 May 1974. [BACK]

23. C. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', unpublished seminar paper, Oxford University, February 1983, p.4.

24. See ibid ., p. 4-5; W. Beinart, 'Notes on changes in the occupational structure of the Coloured people: a historical perspective', unpublished essay, 16 May 1974. [BACK]

25. Rev. J. McLure, cited in E. van Heyningen, 'Refugees and relief in Cape Town, 1899-1902', in C. Saunders et al., eds., Studies in the History of Cape Town, Vol. 3 (Cape Town, 1980), p.70. [BACK]

26. South African News, 19 Aug. 1899, cited in ibid ., p.71. [BACK]

27. C. Schumann, Structural Changes and Business Cycles in South Africa, 1806-1936 (London, 1938), p.93-4. Note that Schumann was writing in 1938. [BACK]

28. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', passim .

29. Ibid . p.5.

30. Ibid . [BACK]

28. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', passim .

29. Ibid . p.5.

30. Ibid . [BACK]

28. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', passim .

29. Ibid . p.5.

30. Ibid . [BACK]

31. Van Heynigen, 'Refugees and Relief in Cape Town', p.82.

32. Ibid . [BACK]

31. Van Heynigen, 'Refugees and Relief in Cape Town', p.82.

32. Ibid . [BACK]

33. See B. Nasson, '"These Natives think the war to be their own"', Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Collected Seminar Papers on the Societies of Southern Africa in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (London, 1979), p.8. [BACK]

34. Marais, Cape Coloured People, pp.275-6.

35. Ibid .

36. Ibid . [BACK]

34. Marais, Cape Coloured People, pp.275-6.

35. Ibid .

36. Ibid . [BACK]

34. Marais, Cape Coloured People, pp.275-6.

35. Ibid .

36. Ibid . [BACK]

37. Nasson,'"These Natives think the war to be their own"', pp.4-5.

38. Ibid . [BACK]

37. Nasson,'"These Natives think the war to be their own"', pp.4-5.

38. Ibid . [BACK]

39. See Marais, Cape Coloured People, passim ; Trapido, 'The friends of the natives', passim ; S. Trapido, 'The origins and development of the African Peoples' continue

Organisation', Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Collected Seminar Papers on the Societies of Southern Africa, Vol. 1. (London, 1970), pp.79-80. [BACK]

40. Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', p.267.

41. Ibid . [BACK]

40. Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', p.267.

41. Ibid . [BACK]

42. F. Molteno, 'Colour, caste and ruling class stragegy in the South African class struggle', in M. Murray, ed., Black Political Opposition (Cambridge, Mass., 1982), p.267. [BACK]

43. M. Simon, 'Organised Coloured political movements', in H.W. van der Merwe and J.C. Groenwald, eds., Occupational Change Among Coloured People in South Africa (Cape Town, 1976), pp.207-8.

44. Ibid .

45. Ibid ., and Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', passim .

46. Ibid .

47. See ibid. ; also Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim . [BACK]

43. M. Simon, 'Organised Coloured political movements', in H.W. van der Merwe and J.C. Groenwald, eds., Occupational Change Among Coloured People in South Africa (Cape Town, 1976), pp.207-8.

44. Ibid .

45. Ibid ., and Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', passim .

46. Ibid .

47. See ibid. ; also Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim . [BACK]

43. M. Simon, 'Organised Coloured political movements', in H.W. van der Merwe and J.C. Groenwald, eds., Occupational Change Among Coloured People in South Africa (Cape Town, 1976), pp.207-8.

44. Ibid .

45. Ibid ., and Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', passim .

46. Ibid .

47. See ibid. ; also Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim . [BACK]

43. M. Simon, 'Organised Coloured political movements', in H.W. van der Merwe and J.C. Groenwald, eds., Occupational Change Among Coloured People in South Africa (Cape Town, 1976), pp.207-8.

44. Ibid .

45. Ibid ., and Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', passim .

46. Ibid .

47. See ibid. ; also Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim . [BACK]

43. M. Simon, 'Organised Coloured political movements', in H.W. van der Merwe and J.C. Groenwald, eds., Occupational Change Among Coloured People in South Africa (Cape Town, 1976), pp.207-8.

44. Ibid .

45. Ibid ., and Trapido, 'Friends of the natives', passim .

46. Ibid .

47. See ibid. ; also Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim . [BACK]

48. H.J. and R.E. Simons, Class and Colour in South Africa, 1850-1950 (Harmondsworth, 1969), p.74. [BACK]

49. South African Spectator, 23 March 1901, cited in Trapido, 'White conflict', p.399. [BACK]

50. Simons and Simons, Class and Colour in South Africa, pp. 74-6.

51. Ibid .

52. Ibid., pp.77-9 . [BACK]

50. Simons and Simons, Class and Colour in South Africa, pp. 74-6.

51. Ibid .

52. Ibid., pp.77-9 . [BACK]

50. Simons and Simons, Class and Colour in South Africa, pp. 74-6.

51. Ibid .

52. Ibid., pp.77-9 . [BACK]

53. Trapido, 'White conflict', p.400. [BACK]

54. G.M. Frederickson, White Supremacy: a Comparative Study on American and South African History (Oxford, 1981), p.131.

55. Ibid ., p.132.

56. Ibid ., p.133. [BACK]

54. G.M. Frederickson, White Supremacy: a Comparative Study on American and South African History (Oxford, 1981), p.131.

55. Ibid ., p.132.

56. Ibid ., p.133. [BACK]

54. G.M. Frederickson, White Supremacy: a Comparative Study on American and South African History (Oxford, 1981), p.131.

55. Ibid ., p.132.

56. Ibid ., p.133. [BACK]

57. Trapido, 'Origins and development', pp.90-91. [BACK]

58. G. Watson, Passing for White (London, 1970), p.120. [BACK]

59. See Trapido, 'White conflict', passim . [BACK]

60. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', p.10.

61. Ibid ., pp.9-11. [BACK]

60. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', p.10.

61. Ibid ., pp.9-11. [BACK]

62. G. Stedman-Jones, Outcast London: A Study in the Relationship Between Classes in Victorian Society (Oxford, 1971), passim . [BACK]

63. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', p.8. [BACK]

64. Cape Argus, 21 Dec. 1892, cited in V. Bickford-Smith, 'Dangerous Cape Town: middle class attitudes to poverty in Cape Town in the late nineteenth century', in C. Saunders et al., eds., Studies in the History of Cape Town, Vol. 4 (Cape Town, 1981), p.57. [BACK]

65. Bundy, 'Poor Whites before poor Whiteism', p.3. [BACK]

66. See Bickford-Smith, 'Dangerous Cape Town', passim . [BACK]

67. Cape Argus, 27 Jan. 1895, cited in ibid ., p.55. [BACK]

68. M. Swanson, 'The sanitation syndrome: bubonic plague and urban native policy in the Cape Colony, 1900-1909', Journal of African History, 18 (1977), passim . See also M. Swanson, 'Urban origins of separate development'. Race, 10 (1968), passim . [BACK]

69. The Lantern, 23 Sept. 1882, cited in Bickford-Smith, 'Dangerous Cape Town', p.37. [BACK]

70. C. Saunders 'The creation of Ndabeni', in C. Saunders, ed., Studies in the History of Cape Town, Vol. 1. (Cape Town, 1979), p.143; Van Heyningen, 'Refugees and relief in Cape Town', p.102. [BACK]

71. For this paragraph see Saunders, 'The creation of Ndabeni'; Swanson, 'Sanitation syndrome'; Swanson, 'Urban origins of separate development'. [BACK]

72. Cape Times, 23 March 1899, cited in C. Saunders, "The creation of Ndabeni', p.136.

73. Ibid . [BACK]

72. Cape Times, 23 March 1899, cited in C. Saunders, "The creation of Ndabeni', p.136.

73. Ibid . [BACK]

74. Cape Times, 27 March 1899, cited in C. Saunders, 'The creation of Ndabeni', p.137. [BACK]

75. See Trapido, 'Origins and development', passim ; R. van der Ross, The Founding of the African Peoples' Organisation (Pasadena, 1975), passim . break [BACK]

76. South African Spectator, 14 Jan. 1901 and 8 Feb. 1901, cited in Trapido, 'White conflict', p.419.

77. Ibid .

78. Ibid ., p.433, para. 1. [BACK]

76. South African Spectator, 14 Jan. 1901 and 8 Feb. 1901, cited in Trapido, 'White conflict', p.419.

77. Ibid .

78. Ibid ., p.433, para. 1. [BACK]

76. South African Spectator, 14 Jan. 1901 and 8 Feb. 1901, cited in Trapido, 'White conflict', p.419.

77. Ibid .

78. Ibid ., p.433, para. 1. [BACK]

79. Cited in Van der Ross, The Founding ofthe African Peoples' Organisation, p.12. [BACK]

80. See Abdullah Abdurahman Family Papers, Africana Manuscripts 1, Comparative African Manuscripts Project, University of Chicago, Box 1, Folders 11-12. [BACK]

81. Cited in D. Innes, Forced Removals of Coloureds in South Africa (London, 1975), pp.4-5. [BACK]

82. C. Ziervogel, Brown South Africa (Cape Town, 1937), p.68. [BACK]

83. South African News, 2 Oct. 1902, cited in G. Lewis, '"Your votes are your guns": the emergence of Coloured political organisation at the Cape', unpublished seminar paper, University of Cape Town, 1983, p.36. [BACK]

84. Cited in B. Magubane, The Political Economy of Race and Class in South Africa (London, 1979), pp.10-11. [BACK]

85. Cited in Van der Ross, The Founding of the African Peoples' Organisation, pp.21-23. [BACK]

86. APO, 13 Jan. 1912. [BACK]

87. APO, 9 April 1910. [BACK]

88. See Simons and Simons, Class and Colour in South Africa, passim . break [BACK]

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