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  1. Calanus:

    1. abundance correlated with herring catches, 906907

    2. abundance correlated with whale catches, 905

    3. biology of, in the Gulf of Maine, 864

    4. feeding mechanism, 886887

    5. oxygen consumption by, 853, 870, 873

    6. reproduction, 322323, 903

    7. vertical migrations, 836837

  2. Calcareous material in Sediments (see also Calcium carbonate) :

    1. organisms contributing to, 950

  3. Calcareous oozes (see also Pelagic sediments), 972

    1. areas covered by, 975, 977, 978

  4. Calcite, 998, 1027

  5. Calcium, 178, 179

    1. deposition by animals, 304306, 853855

    2. deposition by plants, 290, 301, 855

  6. Calcium Carbonate:

    1. factors controlling organic precipitation, 999, 1000

    2. inorganic precipitation, 208, 998

    3. percentage in sediments, 9981008

      1. as function of depth, 1004, 1005

      2. distribution, 10021008

      3. factors controlling, 1007, 1008

    4. solubility, 205208

    5. solution near bottom, 1001

    6. supply to sediments, 1000

  7. California Current, 724727

    1. annual variation of temperature, 131, 132

    2. comparison with Peru Current, 725

    3. off Southern California, 454

  8. Canyons:

    1. sediments in, 1024, 1026

    2. submarine:

      1. character, 3941

      2. formation, 41, 42

  9. Carbon, 179

    1. cycle of, 916

    2. in sediments, 1010, 1011

    3. organic, 248251

    4. ratio to nitrogen, 1010

  10. Carbon dioxide:

    1. as a limiting factor, 768

    2. as a measure of production, 768

    3. distribution, 208210

    4. exchange with atmosphere, 203

    5. importance to deposition of calcium carbonate, 1000, 1001

    6. methods of determination, 192, 193

    7. partial pressure, 201203

    8. solubility, 190, 191, 202

    9. 1064
    10. system, 197202

    11. utilization of, by plants, 768

  11. Carbonic acid, dissociation consta,nts of, 199, 204, 205

  12. Carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus ratio, 236, 237, 931

  13. Caribbean Sea:

    1. bottom topography, 35

    2. currents, 641, 642

    3. oxygen content, 640

    4. water masses, 638, 641

  14. Ceratium (see Dinoflagellates)

  15. Chaetognatha:

    1. as indicator species, 863

    2. reproduction, 322

    3. synopsis, 308

  16. “Challenger,” dredging by, 805807, 809

  17. Chemical transformations, importance of to sediments, 952

  18. China Sea, 735

  19. Chitin, 289

  20. Chlorine, 175

  21. Chlorine-equivalent, 52

  22. Chlorinity, 51, 52

    1. units for expressing, 51

  23. Chlorosity, 52

    1. factors, 167

  24. Chordata, synopsis of, 312314

  25. Circulation:

    1. Bjerknes' theorem, 460462

    2. deep water, 745755

    3. thermal, 507509

    4. thermohaline, 509510

    5. transverse:

      1. Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 618620

      2. caused by upwelling, 501

      3. Equatorial Countercurrent, 635, 636, 711

      4. Gulf Stream, 676

  26. Circulation (water movements), biological significance of, 273274

  27. Clay minerals, 988990

    1. base exchange, 988, 990

    2. flocculation, 958, 990

    3. groups of, 989

    4. origin, 990

  28. Cl-ratio, 167

  29. Coccolith ooze, 973

  30. Coccolithophoridae, 301

  31. Coelenterata:

    1. reproduction, 319320

    2. synopsis, 306

  32. Collection of:

    1. bacteria, 383

    2. benthos, 374

    3. nekton, 376

    4. plankton, 376383

  33. Color of animals, 824830

    1. changes, 825827

    2. of deep-sea animals, 826829

    3. of surface oceanic animals, 827

    4. protective, 826

  34. Color of sediments, 967969

    1. continental shelf, 1023

    2. deep-sea, 978, 979

  35. Color of the sea, 88, 89

  36. Color of water, biological causes of, 289, 783784

  37. Compensation depth, 779

    1. in various areas, 780

  38. Compensation point, 778

  39. Composition of foraminiferal tests, 991

  40. Composition of marine organisms:

    1. average, 230

    2. body fluids, 232

    3. concentration of elements, 233

    4. elements reported, 228, 229

    5. ratios O: C: N: P, 236, 237

    6. skeletal material, 231

  41. Composition of river water, 214216

  42. Composition of sea water, 165174

    1. constancy, 165168

    2. influenced by exchange with atmosphere, 212, 213

    3. influenced by freezing, 216219

    4. influenced by rivers, 213216

    5. tables, 166, 173, 176, 177

  43. Composition of sediments, 971, 972

  44. Compressibility, 68

  45. Concentrations, 158

    1. conservative, 158

    2. non-conservative, 159

    3. units for reporting, 169, 171

  46. Conductivity :

    1. electrical, 71, 72

    2. thermal (see also Eddy conductivity), 60, 61

  47. Continental shelf:

    1. average inclination, 21

    2. extension, 20, 21

    3. formation, 24, 25, 1019

    4. sediments on, 10181023

  48. Continental slope, inclination of, 22

  49. Continuity, equation of, 423426

    1. used for finding layer of no motion, 457

  50. Convergence, 419, 420

    1. caused by winds, 500503

    2. regions of, 139, 140

    3. vertical motion derived from, 425

  51. Copepoda (see also Calanus):

    1. as food for fish, 892, 907

    2. as food of whales, 905

    3. as grazers, 772, 901

    4. food of, 901

    5. reproduction, 322, 323, 903

    6. synopsis, 309

  52. 1065
  53. Coral-reefs:

    1. formation of, 854855

    2. organisms of, 855

  54. Corals:

    1. reproduction of, 319

    2. systematic position of, 306

  55. “Core method,” 146

  56. Cores of sediments:

    1. apparatus for obtaining, 345347

    2. compaction, 1037

    3. relation between water content and particle size, 994

    4. stratification in, 1038, 1039

  57. Coring apparatus, 345347

  58. Corioli's force, 433438

    1. importance to ocean currents, 390

    2. importance to waves, 520

  59. Cotidal lines, 557

    1. charts, 563

    2. semidiurnal tide of Atlantic Ocean, 581, 582

  60. Crinoidea:

    1. bathymetric distribution, 807

    2. synopsis, 312

  61. Ctenophora, 307, 320, 890

  62. Current meters, 366373

  63. Currents (see also Circulation, Tidal currents, and Wind currents):

    1. absolute, 455457

    2. accuracy of computed, 393, 394, 453455

    3. computation, 391, 447452

    4. derived from ships' logs, 427, 428

    5. derived from tongue-like distributions, 503507

    6. effect of bottom friction, 499, 500

    7. effect of bottom topography, 466469

      1. Antarctic Circumpolar, 616

      2. North Atlantic, 681

      3. North Equatorial, Atlantic, 671, 672

    8. importance to distribution of sediments, 965, 966, 1042, 1043

    9. in stratified water, 444447

    10. related to the distribution of density, 389395, 447451

    11. relative, 391, 442, 447451

    12. representations, 428430

    13. slope, 442, 458

    14. sorting of shallow water sediments by, 10171019

    15. transportation of particles along bottom by, 959966

    16. transportation of settling particles by, 959

    17. units used, 363

    18. vertical convection, 510, 511

    19. wavelike pattern in South Atlantic, 630

  64. Cyclic salt, 213, 214

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