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Abdominal disease, 132 , 163

Abdul Qattah of Macina, 31

Ahern, E., 131

Amebiasis, 163

Ancestor's tooth, as cause of sickness, 140

Anxieties, vague, 40

Appetite, lack of, 19 , 24 , 92

Arom, S., 122 -123

Augé, M., 86


Backache, 26 , 27 , 37

Bacterial infection, 163


cult of affliction, Mai-Ndombe origin, Zaire, 11 ;

in Kinshasa, 19

Bantu languages and cultures, 8 , 57 -63;

Western, 11 -14, 60 -63, 64 , 67 , 68 , 73 , 198 -203;

expansion, 59 -63;

map of, 60 ;

Eastern, 60 -63, 73 , 203 -207;

lexicon of healing and health in, 63 -69;

hypothesis of expansion, and ngoma, 73 -74;

names of, 181 -188;

and distribution of therapeutic cognates, 189 -208;

and instruments of healing rites, 209 -213

Barrenness, 106 , 118 , 162 -165

Bastin, Y., 59

Bateson, G., 124 , 176

Berger, I., 76

Berliner, P., 70

Bernstein, B., 100

Betani (Swaziland) College of Diviners, 37 -50

Bibeau, G., 12

Bilharzia, 43 , 163


cult of affliction, Luba origin, 11 ;

in Kinshasa, 14 -18;

music for, 212

Bira, Shona rite comparable to ngoma, 212

Blacking, J., 70 , 108 , 126

Blood, high pressure of, caused by fear of others, 40

Bongita, rite of affliction, Mongo origin, 210

Boone, O., 70 -72

Boorse, C., 6

Booth, N., 14

Botoli, L., 23 -25, 32 , 126

Bourdieu, P., 6 , 157 -158

Bourguignon, E., 134

Brideprice, affliction due to nonpayment of, 16

Bührman, V., and N. Gqomfa, 119 -120, 137

Bukavu (eastern Zaire), ngoma in, 92 -93, 97 -98

Burridge, K., 133

Butii, rite of affliction, Warega origin, 211

Buyeye, Sukuma snake-handling ngoma, 150 -151

Byamungu Lufungula wa Chibanga-banga, 92 -93, 97 -98


Caldwell, J., 156

Call and response, 44 , 72 , 110 ;



across continent, 72 ;

basis of "doing ngoma," 111 -116

Cancer, 27

Cape Town, 10 , 36 , 60 ;

rationale for research site, 5 -6;

ngoma in, 50 -55, 165 -170;

"doing ngoma" in, 110 -118

Centre International des Civilisations Bantoues (CICIBA), Libreville, Gabon research center, 59

Chavunduka, G., 171 -172

Chenga, N., 32 -35, 150 .

See also Mungano


and ngoma, 15 , 32 , 77 , 98 , 215 ;

in ngoma lyrics, 111 -118, 121

Cokwe people (Zaire, Angola, Zambia), 75

Color (red/white/black) symbolism, 8 ,15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 38 -39, 47 , 50 , 52 , 54 , 64 , 142 , 174 ;

spirits classified in terms of, 95 -99;

course through "the white," 101 -104, 168

Comaroff, J., 138

Cordell, D., 156

Corin, E., 18 -19, 131 , 137 -138

Cornet, J., xi

Cory, H., 2 , 8 , 21 -22, 150 -151

Courlander, H., 126 -127

Csordas, T., 131 , 138

Cult of affliction: defined, 1 , 10 ;

urban changes in, 18 -20.

See also Ngoma

Cwezi (also BuCwezi): rite of affliction of Ryangombe origin, 21 ;

in Sukumaland, 22 ;

in Dar es Salaam, 76


Dance, competition, 22 , 34 , 54 , 109 , 111 -116, 118 , 122 , 149 , 163 .

See also Drum; Rhythm; Song; Song-dance

Dar es Salaam, 10 , 60 , 90 , 142 -143;

rationale as research site, 5 -6;

ngoma in, 20 -21, 22 -35

Dawson, M., 154

DeCraemer, W., 3

De Heusch, L., 3 , 60 , 88 , 95 , 134 -136

Demaret, P., 3 , 59

Devisch, R., 12 , 131 , 145 , 148

Diabetes, 27

Diagnosis, 41 ;

of misfortune, 90 -94

Diarrhea, 31


on spirits and illness cases, 50 ;

studied, to establish criteria of therapeutic efficacy, 131 ;

expressions of ngoma discourse, 143 ;

as curing qualities of verbal therapy, 144 ;

grid of, in ngoma, 145 ;

centrality of, in ngoma interaction and knowledge, 176 .

See also Knowledge; Ritual; Song; Song-dance


in Bilumbu, 14 , 35 ff;

"throwing bones," 42 ;

in Swaziland, 37 -50;

in South Africa, 50 ;

mediumship vs. mechanistic, 42 -43, 48 -50;

relationship to cults of affliction, 91 -92;

femba type, 94 ;

of misfortune, 90 ff;

and spirits, 101 ;

communicative structure of, 123 ;

Ngombo type, Pende, 211 .

See also Diagnosis

Dizziness, 17 , 19 , 92

Dòg, dògá, dògí, dògò , proto-Bantu cognate:

human-caused misfortune, force of words, 65 -66, 67 , 68 , 90 , 141 , 192 ;

addressed in ngoma healing, 85 , 90 ;

and spirit fields, 94

Donda (eastern Bantu, sore), 64

Doyal, L., 6

Dreams, 12 , 19 , 137 , 139 ;

of animals, 19 ;

of people, 37 ;

of ancestors, 38 ;

of struggles, 92 ;

of Europeans, 140

Drum, drumming, 1 , 25 , 26 , 44 , 63 , 68 , 70 -72;

needed to bring out the spirit, 47 ;

purpose of, in healers' theories of ngoma, 143 .

See also Musical instruments

Dúád, dúádì, dúáídé (proto-Bantu, to become ill), 63 , 191

Duala people (Cameroon), 66

Dubos, R., 6

Durkheim, E., 78 , 80 , 98 , 173


Efficacy: of therapy, 7 ;

comparative criteria of, 130 -131;

of ngoma in Southern Savanna fertility enhancement, 164 -165

Ehret, C., 59 , 62

Ekata, rite of affliction, Boyela origin, 211

Ekoi people (Nigeria), 60 , 66

Elima, rite of affliction, Equateur, N. Zaire, origin, 11 , 209

Enaama (Mana), rite of affliction, Bukavu, of Bashi origin, 97

Entertainment, and ngoma, 32 -35

Equateur region (N. Zaire), Zebola, cult of affliction from, 18 -19

Etiology of disease, illness: children's illness and death, 12 , 23 , 162 ;

ordinary vs. sheitani , 27 ;

African vs. non-African, 40 ;

umbelelo, mego, resulting from interpersonal tensions, 40 ;

amakubalo , resulting from broken moral precepts, 40 , 93 ;

due to weakness, 44 ;

determine after hospital has "failed," 44 ;

"of God" vs. human-


caused, 65 -66;

spirit fields and, 94 -101;

conflict, interpersonal, as cause of illness, 137 ;

ultimate, and particular signs and symptoms, 137 ;

link between, and particular signs and symptoms, 137

Eyesight, loss of, 26


Face, twisted, distorted, 26

Fear, of poverty, by Whites, 40

Feldman, 82

Fertility enhancement ngoma, 161 -165

Fevers, 12 , 19 , 92 , 163 ;

convulsive, 31

Fox, R., 3

Frankel, S., 159

Freidson, E., 6

Fry, P., 77


Gaisie, S., 162

Gàngà , proto-Bantu term for healer, doctor, for medicine, 23 , 31 , 67 -68, 193 .

See also N'anga

Geertz, C., 86

Giles, L., 136

Gluckman, M., 88

Goblet-Vanormelingen, V., 103 , 131 , 162 -165

Gonorrhea, 27

Goody, J., 156

Gqomfa, N., 119 -120, 137

Green, T., xii

Greenberg, J., 59

Gregory, J., and V. Piche, 156

Guthrie, M., 62 -68

Gynecological and obstetrical disorders, 19 , 92 ;

miscarriage, 106 , 162 ;

threatened, 165 ;

menstrual, 162 ;

dysmenorrhea, 163 ;

subfecundiry, 163 ;

genital tract disease, 163 .

See also Fertility enhancement; Infertility


Hamba : shrine type Southern Savanna, 67 , 103 ;

Chihamba, 118 -119;

Ihamba, 140 ;

as reproduction enhancing ngoma, among Luvale, 162 -164;

and ngoma among Pende, 211 ;

Yaka, 212 ;

Luvale, 212

Harwood, A., 6

Hassan, I., 26 -29, 126 , 143

Hassan, O., 25 -29, 142 -143

Headache, 19 , 24 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 45 , 51 , 92 ,132 , 142

Healing: distinct from religion, in scholarship, 4 ;

distinctive features of Central African, 86

Health: definitions of, 6 -7, 154 , 216 -217;

indicators of, 155 -156;

social reproduction of, 156 -160

Heart: burn with anxiety, 19 , 92 ;

rapid or arhythmic beat, 19 ;

fear of attack, 51 ;

failure, 54 ;

afflictions, 132

Heine, B., 59 , 60

Hemba people (Zaire), 66

Hemorrhoids, 27

Hookworm, 163

Huxley, F., 127

Huygens, P., 64 -65

Hygiene, ideas of, in African healing, 20

Hyman, L., 59

Hysteria, verbal (loss of speech), 132


Illness, accepting, as first stage of therapy, 51

Impotence, 19 , 31

Infectious disease, 166

Infertility, 12 , 13 ;

widespread zone of, 162 -165

Institution, 7 , 78 , 80 -83, 173 -179;

variations, 4 ;

defined, 80 ;

synthetic model of African therapeutic, its risks and benefits, 86

Islam, and ngoma, 30 -32

Isolation, 19

Isoma, rite of affliction, Ndembu, 103 , 162


Joblessness, job anxiety, as cause of illness, 51


Kakozi, rite of affliction in Bukavu, of Rwandaise and Lega origin, 97

Kalanga people (Zimbabwe), 95

Kayong'u, rite of affliction, Ndembu, 140

Killingi, rite of affliction of Swahili coast, 21

Kingiri-ngiri, M., 30 -32

Kinshasa, rationale for research site, 5 -6, 60 , 137 ;

grands rites in, 11 -20, 92

Kinyamukera, rite of affliction of Swahili coast, 26

Kleinman, A., 131


of ngoma, codified in notebook, 27 ;

"survival knowledge" and ngoma, 109 , 176 ;

implicit, in symbols and metaphors, 131 ;

ancestral sanction of, 141 ;

content of, in ngoma, not overdetermined by possession, 149 -151;

consensual basis of, in healing, 152

Kongo region, people (Lower Zaire), 75 , 108 , 120 -121, 147 -148;

Nkita, rite of, 12 -14;

cults of affliction and historic trade, 45 , 64 -68, 160 -161



Lambeck, M., 76 , 96 , 138

Last, M., and G. Chavunduka, 171 -172

Leach, E., 124

Leadership: sickness of, 12 ;

recruitment to, in ngoma, 138

Lema, G., xi , 12


Lower Zaire cult of affliction, 8 , 78 -79, 123 -124, 131 -132;

defining, as ngoma, 82 -83;

lyrics in, 120 -121, 146 ;

interpreted, 147 -148;

and social reproduction, 160 -161

Lesotho, social reproduction in, 158 -159

Lesthaege, R., 156

Lévi-Strauss, C., 133

Lewis, I., 3 , 89 , 134 -136

Lichindika, rite of affliction, coastal Swahili, 26

Lihamba, A., 109 , 176

Lokote, rite of affliction, Boyela origin, 211

Lovedu people (South Africa), 40

Luba people, 60 , 73 , 162 -165;

Bilumbu rite of, 14 -18

Lumbu. See Bilumbu

Luvale people (Zambia), 3 , 136 , 162 -165


Mabiala Mandela, xi , 19 -20, 92

Mabuza, I., 37 -49, 93 -94, 141

Madness, fear of, 37

Madogoli, rite of affliction, Swahili coast origin, 21 ;

explained, 26

Majini , spirits in Swahili ngoma, of Arabic origin, 23

Makala, E. K., xii , 25 -29, 33

Makhubu, L., xii , 64

Malaria, 163


rite of affliction, Kilwa origin, 21 ;

in Dar es Salaam, explained, 23 - 25 ;

paraphernalia used, 24 -25;

music for, 212

Maranhao, T., 144

Masheitani , spirits, of Arabic origin, 23

Matumbe, people, coastal Tanzania, 23 , 60

Mbabane-Manzini, Swaziland, rationale as research site, 5 , 60 . See also Swaziland

Mbochi people (Gabon), 66

Mbombo: rite of affliction, Ndembu, 103 ;

Luba-Shaba, 162 -164


rite of affliction, Kilwa origin, 21 ;

in Dar es Salaam, explained, 23 ;

paraphernalia used, 25 ;

music for, 212

Medicine, 27 , 88 , 106 , 139 , 148 ;

combination of, in therapy, 20 , 31 ;

in kobe basket, 24 , 25 , 46 , 106 , 148 ;

in beaded gourds, 28 ;

in antelope horn, 29 ;

in trance divination, 43 , 45 ;

in bucket, 52 ;

drumming up, 108 ;

revealed in song-dance, 114 ;

given to assist patient to talk, 143 ;

defined as system, 154

Mediumship, 43 -50;

defined, in Swaziland, 45 ;

performed, in femba divination, 46 -50, 94 ;

in Zimbabwean war, 76 .

See also Divination; Possession; 77 . Trance

Meillassoux, C., 157

Mental disturbance, 26 , 27 , 140

Metaphor: 9 , 109 , 128 -131, 145 -149;

bridging domains, 117 ;

trance as, of experience, 128 , 129 , 136 ;

defined, 147 ;

of healing and transformation, 148 ;

of "difficult experience," and re- cruitment to ngoma, 145 , 149.

See also Ritual; Symbol; Trope

Meussen, A., 59

Mikanda-Mikanda, rite of affliction, Upper Zaire and Kivu origin, 11

Mills, J., xii , 169

Mind, memory loss, 17 ;

lack of presence, 19 , 92

Mitchell, J. C., 2

Mitumba, rite of affliction, Bukavu, 97 , 98 , 99

Mizuka, Mzuka:

rite of affliction, East African, Kivu origin, 11 ;

in Dar es Salaam, 23 ;

in Kinshasa, 11

Morsy, S., 6

Mozambique, ngoma in, 95


rite of affliction, Mai-Ndombe Zaire origin, 11 ;

in Kinshasa, 19


Tanzanian rite of affliction, 21 ;

Dar es Salaam, explained, 23 , 26 ;

performed, 28 -29;

music for, 212

Mshiu, E., 23 , 27

Muchona, 139 -140

Mudimbe, V. Y., 82 ,146 -147

Mulangoyi, rite of affliction, Bukavu, of Lega, Zinga, Songe, 97


rite of affliction, Sukuma and Nyamwezi origin, in Dar es Salaam, 32 -33;

performed, 34 -35;

music of, 212

Murray, C., 6 , 158 -159

Musical instruments, in healing, 69 -74, 209 -213



rite of affliction, possibly Ngoni origin, 21 , 95 ;

spirits affecting, 23 ;

explained, 26 , 95 ;

performed, 29 -30.

See also Gàngà


Navarro, V., 154

Ndebele, people (S. Africa, Zimbabwe), 35 , 37 , 60

Ndembu people (W. Zambia), subject of V. Turner's research, 1 -3, 60 , 77 , 108 ,139 -140, 162

Ndika, A., xii , 51 , 142

Needham, R., 127

Neher, A., 127

Nervous breakdown, 45

Networks, 7 , 167

Ngòmà (proto-Bantu, drum, song-dance):

defined, 1 ;

research on, 2 -6;

performance of, 16 -17, 28 -30, 33 - 35 , 44 -48, 52 -54, 110 -116;

as guilds in Sukuma society, 22 ;

in relation to Islam, 31 -32;

of entertainment, in Dar es Salaam, 32 -35;

and stress on divination of Nguni societies, 35 -37;

in Swaziland, 37 -50;

initiation to, in Cape Town, 51 -55;

as proto-Bantu cognate, 68 -69;

hypothesis of historic origin, 73 -74;

summary of patterns of representation of, 79 ;

ontology of, as unique institution, 80 -83;

as uncaptured power base, 177 ;

distribution of cognate in Bantu languages, 197

Ngubane, H., xii , 3 , 49 , 65 , 170 .

See also Sibisi

Nguni language and peoples, 8 , 38 -55, 78

Nkanga, rite of affliction, Mongo, 211

Nkisi (kícì ), 12 , 64 , 67 , 68 , 72 , 74 , 78 -79, 88 , 106 , 139 , 201 ;

musical accompaniment, among Woyo, 212

Nkita, Lower Zaire Kongo cult of affliction for lineage, household and individual wellbeing, 11 , 12 -14, 103 , 135 , 162

Nkula: rite of affliction, Ndembu, 103 ;

Luvale, 162 ;

music in, 212

Nosebleeding, 45 , 51 , 142

Nsenga people (Mozambique), 74

Nsiala Miaka Makengo, xi , 12 -13

Nyamulemule, rite of affliction, Bukavu, of Batembo and Bashi origin, 98

Nyamwezi people (eastern Tanzania), 33 , 60 , 75

Nzembela, K., 14 -18, 165

Nzombo, rite of affliction, Ngbaka origin, 211

Nzondo, rite of affliction, Mongo origin, 209 -210


Obenga, T., 64 -66


Pains, vague, 40

Paralysis, 26

Parsons, T., 6

Pedi people (S. Africa), 35 , 37

Pende people (Zaire), 67

Phillipson, D., 59

Pollution, of death, 111 -113

Possession, 1 , 8 , 19 , 23 , 32 , 79 , 89 , 100 , 134 -139;

and spirit classes, 23 , 32 ;

in dances, 29 ;

with mediumship, 43 ;

as trance, 37 , 141 -143;

in Bilumbu, 15 -18;

ngoma practice, without, 26 ;

and divination, 94 ;

distinction of belief in, and trance, 134 ;

theories of, 135 -136;

as minor cause of illness in Zebola, 137 ;

minor feature of ngoma, exaggerated by scholars, 140 -141;

as hypothesis or ideology, 149 -152.

See also Mediumship; Spirit; Trance


controlled and uncontrolled, 3 ;

authority, social renewal, and healing, 12 ;

liaison of ngoma to party in power, 28 ;

ngoma in relation to sovereign power of state, 75 -76;

weak states or segmentary societies, 79 ;

and efficacy of ngoma rite, 149 ;

legitimacy of ngoma, attraction of state, 171 ;

ngoma as uncaptured power base, 177

Prins, G., 2 , 3

Prohibition, in health and illness, 64 -65.

See also Transgression

Psychological distress, 12 , 18

Purification, metaphors and techniques of, 64 , 89 , 101 , 111

Pútá, púté (proto-Bantu, boil, sore, wound), 63 , 190


Quest for therapy, 86 , 103


Ranger, T., 2 , 77

Reproduction enhancement, 161 -165

Respiratory disorder, 140 ;

asthma, 27

Rhythm, 1 , 69 , 144 ;

of words, 108 ;

polyrhythms, 122 -123;

distinctive, in each ngoma, 126 ;

and trance, 126 -128

Riesman, P., 82

Rite of passage, 87 -89


defined, 124 -126;

and music in ngoma, 126 -128;

summarized, 174 . See also Cult of affliction;

Metaphor; Symbol


of affliction, 1 ;

cult of affliction as, in human society, 88 ;

as added levels of text, and reasons for, in ngoma, 124 -125


Roberts, A., 14

Rouget, G., 127


rite of affliction, Swahili coast origin, 21 ;

in Dar es Salaam, in relation to Islam, 30 -31

Rungu, rite of affliction, Swahili coast origin, 21


Sacrifice, 15 ;

in Cape Town ngoma, 51 -54, 166 ;

when occurring in ngoma rites, 89 ;

theories of, in ngoma, 104 -105

Sautter, G., 160

Savage, M., 6

Schneider, D., 80 -81

Schoffeleers, 134

Semali, I. A. J., xi , 23

Shaker, rattle, 16 , 30 ;

gourd, 24

Shaking of body, 24

Shangani people (Mozambique), 37 , 38

Shirika la Madawa ya Kiasili (Organization of Traditional Medicine, coastal Tanzania), 25 , 27 , 79 , 142 , 170 -172

Shona people (Zimbabwe), 70 -71, 73

Sibisi, H., 98 -99.

See also Ngubane

Sindzingre, N., 131

Skin, rash, 19 , 92 , 132

Smith, M. G., 80

Snake-handling, in Tanzanian ngoma, 149 -151

Sobhuza 37

Social reproduction: of health, 6 -7, 156 -159;

profiles of, 159 -172

Song, singing, 1 , 6 , 16 -17, 38 , 39 , 44 , 52 , 69 , 108 , 109 , 111 -116, 119 , 120 , 121 , 126 , 143 , 145 , 147 , 151 , 174 , 175 ;

common and personal, in ngoma, 118 -122;

call and response in, 117 , 122 -126;

metaphors in, 146 ;

and inchoate feelings of "difficult experience," 152

Song-dance, 1 , 35 , 54 , 109 , 111 -116, 118 , 122 , 149 , 163

Sorcery, 40 .

See also Witchcraft

Sotho-Tswana people (Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa), 50 -55, 167

Soul, loss, as cause of child's illness, 46

Spirits, 123 ;

loss of contact with, 12 ;

evil, 18 , 19 , 137 ;

of vengeful ancestors as cause of sickness, 46 ;

displeasure over unfinished marriage, as cause of sickness, 46 ;

hypothesis of recruitment to cult of affliction, 92 , 143 , 145 ;

fields, 94 -101;

in Mozambique, 95 ;

in Swaziland, 95 -96;

in South Africa, 96 ;

in coastal Tanzania, 96 ;

in eastern Zaire, 97 ;

in Zululand, 98 ;

in divination communicative structures, 123 ;

spirit logic, 134 -139;

displeasure of, 140 ;

relation to trance, 140 -143.

See also Mediumship; Possession; Trance

Spring, A., 2 -3, 103 , 131 , 136 , 162 -165

Stevens, P., 82 -83

Stillbirth, 162 , 165 .

See also Gynecological and obstetrical disorders

Stock, R., 156

Stuart, C., 82

Sukumaland, people (western Tanzania), 8 , 21 -22, 33 -34, 77 , 121 , 135 , 150 -151;

and work of H. Cory in, 2 ;

ngoma in, 21 -22

Suku people (Zaire), 67

Swantz, L., 2 , 30 , 171

Swantz, M. L., 2 , 21 , 30

Swaziland, people: rationale as research site, 5 -6;

ngoma in, 35 -50, 75 , 93 , 94 , 98 -99, 140 -141;

spirit fields in, 95 -96

Symbol, Symbolism, 58 ;

as attribute of institution, 80 ;

"drum" as symbol of therapeutic institution, 82 -83;

of color, in ngoma, 101 -105;

that stands for itself, 108 , 109 ;

nonverbal, 121 ;

in ritual, 125 ;

reproduction of, 157 ;

and state control, 171 .

See also Metaphor; Trope


absence of specificity, in ngoma affliction, 55 , 94 ;

of misfortune, in ngoma, 92 -94;

in Zebola, 137


Tanzanian Ministry of Culture, Music Division, xii , 33 -34, 150 , 175 ;

licensing ngoma, 32 , 171

Teke people (Congo), 67

Therapeutic traditions:

indigenous Afri- can, defined, 1 -2;

research strategy in study of, 5 -6;

mimicry of Western, 20 ;

organized into association, 27 ff;

Islamic-Arabic, and ngoma, 27 -28, 31 -32, 136 ;

licensing of, 32 -33, 171 ;

Christian faith healing, 44 , 138 -139;

biomedicine, 44 , 51 , 154 ;

psychoanalysis, 55 , 144 ;

psychotherapeutic interpretation, of ngoma, 137 , 138 ;

Western self-help, 142 , 177 ;

family therapy, 144 .

See also Health; Knowledge; World Health Organization


individual and collective mechanisms of, 7 , 13 , 14 , 21 ;

with white powder (pémbà ), 15 , 16 , 67 , 101 ,


104 ;

seclusion, counseling, ritual, 19 , 21 , 45 , 51 , 163 ;

initiation as, 19 , 51 -55;

paraphernalia for, in Dar es Salaam, 25 ;

"outlining" person with medicine, 28 ;

reading and prayer, 31 ;

ngoma for, vs. entertainment, 32 ;

immunization against snakebite, with venom, 35 ;

meditative and counseling, 37 ;

through force of words, 66 ;

proto-Bantu cognates of, 66 -68;

characteristic features of Central African, 86 , 88 ;

"course through white" as, 101 -104;

sacrifice as, 104 -105;

herbal, dietary, and ritual, 163 ;

beneficial and deliterious, in reproduction enhancement, 164 .

See also Divination; Drum, drumming; Efficacy; Medicine; Ngoma

Therapy management, 68 , 103

Thompson, R. F., 127

Thonga people (Mozambique), 37 -38, 135 ;

Vandau among, 135

Tiv people (Nigeria), 60 , 66

Traditional Medicine Research Unit, Muhimbili Hospital, Dar es Salaam, xi , 30

Trance: in Bilumbu, 16 , 18 , 92 , 100 ;

femba, in Swaziland, 45 ;

and musical rhythms, 127 -128;

rise and decline, presence and absence of, in ngoma, 140 -141.

See also Mediumship; Possession; Spirits

Transgression, of social rules, cause of sign-symptoms, 137 .

See also Prohibition


"doing ngoma" as dominant, 108 ;

and difficult experience, 145 , 149 .

See also Metaphor; Ritual; 150 . Symbol

Tuberculosis, 51 , 77 , 169

Tukuka, rite of affliction, Ndembu, 140

Turner, V. W., 1 , 2 , 21 , 64 , 77 , 83 , 88 , 103 -105, 108 , 119 , 125 , 139 -140, 162 -164

Twasa (sickness, call, to initiation), little symptom-sign specificity in, 55 , 137 , 140

Twin pregnancies, 162


Unschuld, P., 171 -172

Urinary tract disease, 163


Van Binsbergen, W., 3 , 134

Van Noten, F., 59 , 61

Van Onselen, C., 76

Vansina, J., 3 , 59 , 60 , 61

Venda people (South Africa), 71 , 108 , 126

Visions, 37 ;

of ancestors, 38

Vomiting, 31 ;

blood, 37 , 45


Waite, G., 67

Weakness, of body, 24

Webster, D., 95

Weight, loss or excess, 19 , 24 , 92

Werbner, R., 76 , 94 -95, 97

West, M., xii

Wetsi-Wokenda, rite of affliction, Tetela origin, 210

Wilson, M., 3

Witchcraft, 204 ;

as cause of sickness, 16 , 63 , 137

World Bank, 155 , 158

World Health Organization, 154 -155, 158

Wubwangu, rite of affliction, Ndembu, 103 , 162


Xhosa people (South Africa), 8 , 37 , 50 -51, 71 , 75 , 96 , 98 -99, 119 -120, 166 -168


Yaka people (Zaire), 67

Yesia Luther King, xii

Yoder, R., 155

Young, A., 131


Zaire, Lower, in coastal trade, 160 -161


ngoma in West of, 3 ;

and the "infertility zone," 162

Zaramo people (coastal Tanzania), 26 -35,170 -171

Zaretzsky, I., 95


cult of affliction in Equateur, N. Zaire, and Kinshasa, 8 , 11 , 209 ;

urban changes, 18 -19;

degree of trance in, 137

Zigua people (coastal Tanzania), 26 -35, 170 -171

Zola, I., 6

Zulu people (South Africa), 35 , 37 , 38 , 50 -51, 64 -68

passim, 75 , 98 -99, 166 -168


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