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Cabanis, Dr., 202

Caesar, Julius, 232

Cagliostro, 203

Cahiers, views of, 181

Camus, Albert, 182

Canguilhem, G., 262 n.54

Capitalism, French, 98 , 271

Carlyle, T., 1 , 101

Carnot, L. N. M., 133

Carrier, drownings by, 60 , 62

Catholic Church, 81 , 96 , 98

Celan, Paul, 148


aristocracy and, 40 , 49 , 62 -63

bourgeoise and, 63

bureaucracy and, 54

counterrevolution and, 62

Directory and, 54

French Revolution and, 52 , 63

monocameral assembly and, 253

Old Regime and, 49 -50

surveillance and, 54

Cercle Social, 86 , 175 , 202

"Ce sang etait-il si pur"? (Barnave), 94


conservatism and, 125 -126

continuity and, 242 , 246

ethnocentricity of, 128

liberalism and, 125 -126

Marxism and, 125 -126

normality of, 124

Tocqueville on, 248 .

See also Continuity

Channu, Pierre, 46 n.20

Chapelier, Le, 83 , 85 , 88 -89

Charles X, 96

Chateaubriand, F. R., 146

Chaumette, P. G., 91 , 188

Chaunu, Pierre, 61

Chinese revolution, 15

Choiseul, E. F. de, 18

Christian Church

Comite Ecclesiastique, 181

egalitarianism and, 180

election ofpriests, 181

French-Roman relations, 181

novel of humanity, 175

reform within, 179

revolution and, 174 -176, 184

Richerist ideology and rebellion, 180

separate from state, 193 .

See also Church

Citizens, active, 110 , 181

Civic oath, 104

Civic virtue, 230

Civil code, 94 , 267

Civil constitution, 58 -60, 188

Civil rights, 97

Civil wars, French, 96

Civitas, Saint-Just on, 136 -137

Claims, material and communitarian, 93 , 98

Clapham, Sir John, 39

Class structure, 98 , 99 , 101 , 264

Class struggle, 35 , 42

Clausewitz, Carl von, 22

Clavière, Etienne, 88

Clermont-Tonnerre, S., 110 , 113 , 115

Cloots, A., 148 , 188

Club des Citoyennes Républicaines Révolutionnaires, 43 , 89 , 90

Cobb, Richard, 2 , 14 , 56


Cobban, Alfred, 5 , 14 , 46 , 117

Cobden, Richard, 43

Cochin, Augustin, 1 , 47 , 263 n.75

Colbert, J. B., 122

Comite Ecclesiastique, 181

Commerce, and French Revolution, 33 , 258

Committee of Public Safety, 170 n.22, 231

Commune, 161 , 170 n.27

Communism, 40

Communitarianism, 40 , 70 , 98

Comninel, G. C., 46 n.3

Complot des Prisons, 157 -158

Comte, Auguste, 9

Condorcet, Jean-Antione-Nicholas, 88 , 202 , 274

Conscription, 21 , 60

Consequentialism, 234

Conservatism, change and, 125

Consistency, writers and, 240

Conspiracy theories, 174

Constant, Benjamin, 202 -203, 211 , 273

Constituent assembly, 32 , 94 , 178 , 182 , 188 , 212 , 269 , 273 , 276

deputies to, 85

Kant on, 209

king and, 204

public goods, 89

rationalizing trend of, 191

Third Estate and, 180 .

See also National Assembly

Constitutional monarchy, 84 -85

Constitution of 1791, 32 , 83

Constitution of 1793, 83

Contest of the Faculties, The (Kant), 223

Continuity, and change, 242 , 246

Convention, 191 , 192 , 274

history of, 268

religion and, 185

Conventionnels, 86 , 94

Corday, Charlotte, 88

Cordeliers Club, 154

Corporate values, 96

Corporation, Jews as, 113

Corporatism, 76 , 81

Counterrevolution, 57

centralization and, 62

debate about, 58

geography of, 57

September massacres and, 157 , 168

start of, 58

in Vendée, 62

Cousin, Victor, 44

Creveld, Martin van, 27n.l, 29 n.38

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 222

Cromwell, Oliver, 193

Crowd in the French Revolution, The (Rudé), 153 -160

Crowds, revolutionary, 6 , 153 -156, 158 , 165

Cult of Reason, 189

Cult of Supreme Being, 174 , 185 , 186 , 191

Aulard-Mathiez controversy, 176

Cult of Reason and, 176

political moral of, 194

political task of, 190

Pontifex Maximus, 192

revolutionary church fiasco, 185

Robespierre and, 188

social value of, 192

Cultural synthesis, 84

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