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aortic, 193 -195, 194

aortic dissection, 194 -195

Angina pectoris, 95 , 118

Angina pectoris, stable, 106 , 107 -108

nonsurgical treatment, 108 -109, 111 -112

prognosis, 108

surgery for, 109 -111

Angina pectoris, unstable, 106 , 112

diagnosis, 112 -113

prognosis, 113 -114

treatment, 113

Angiocardiography, 43

digital subtraction, 43 -45

to evaluate coronary-artery disease, 104 , 105

Angioplasty. See Coronary angioplasty


atherosclerosis of, 192 , 193

coarctation of, 163 , 171 -172, 192

Aortic insufficiency. See Regurgitation, aortic

Aortic stenosis, 130 , 137 -139, 146 , 174

coarctation of aorta, 163 , 171 -172

complications, 139

diagnosis, 139

sudden death from, 90

surgery for, 139 -140

syncope and, 92

treatment, 139

See also Aortic valve; Stenosis

Aortic valve, 5 , 6 , 130

bicuspid valve, 174

regurgitation, 131 , 143 -145

See also Aortic stenosis; Semilunar valves

Aortitis, 144 , 193

Arrhythmias, 28 , 71 -72, 95

atrial, 73

ectopic rhythms, 72 , 73 , 74

escape rhythms, 72

mechanism of, 72 -76

myocardial infarction and, 117

preexcitation, 87 -88

significance of, 79 -80

sinus arrhythmias, 72

syncope and, 91 -92, 93

treatment, 56 -58

ventricular, 73, 74 , 80 , 82

—evaluation of, 83 -84

—treatment, 84 -85, 93

—See also Atrial fibrillation


Heart block


Ventricular fibrillation

Arteries, 8 , 9

coronary, 8 -9, 10

Aspirin, 52 , 100

Atherosclerosis, 96

of aorta, 192 , 193

of arteries, 54

See also Coronary-artery disease

Atherosclerotic plaque, 97

cholesterol and, 99

coronary reserve and, 101

rupture of, 97 -98


pulmonary, 172

tricuspid, 172 -173


Atrial fibrillation, 73 , 75 -76, 80 -81, 95

mitral stenosis and, 81 , 135

treatment, 81 , 136

Atrial septal defect, 163 -165, 164

Atrioventricular dissociation, 78 -79

Atrioventricular valves, 7 , 7


Balloon angioplasty. See Coronary angioplasty

Balloon pumping, intraaortic. See Intraaortic balloon pumping

Balloon valvuloplasty, 54 -55, 140

Basal metabolism, 23

Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, 108 -109

Birth defects. See Congenital malformations


arterial, 2 , 3

circulation. See Circulatory system

mixing, in congenital heart disease, 161 -163, 172

venous, 2 , 3 , 5

Blood flow volume. See Cardiac output

Blood pressure, 17 -18, 62

cardiac output and, 18

diastolic, 17 -18, 179

hypotension, 175 , 176

kidneys' role in, 176 -177

normal (in adults), 18

pulmonary circulation and, 21

regulation of, 18 -20, 19 , 175 -176

systemic circulation and, 20 -21

systolic, 17 , 179

See also Hypertension

Blood tests, 34 , 119

Blood vessels, 6 , 8 -12, 62

arteries, 8 -9, 9, 10

arterioles, 9 , 20

capillaries, 10 , 21 -22

lymphatic system, 12

structure, 11 -12

veins, 9

Blue baby, 162 , 170

Bradycardia, 71 , 85 -86

treatment for, 87

See also Arrhythmias

Bundle-branch block, 78


Calcium channel blocking agents, 109

Capillaries, 10 , 21

function, 22

Cardiac arrest, 76 , 80 , 83 , 90 -91

Cardiac catheterization, 40 -43, 42

Cardiac conduction, 13 -15, 14

atrioventricular dissociation, 78 -79

heart block, 76 -78, 77

malfunctions of, 76 -79, 86

reentry, 74 -75

Cardiac conduction system

pacemakers, 13 , 15

sinoatrial node (S-A node), 13 , 14 -15

Cardiac cycle, 16 -17

diastole, 16 , 16 -17

systole, 16 , 16

Cardiac output, 18 -20

Cardiomyopathy, 151 -152

complications, 153

dilated, 152 -153, 155

hypertrophic, 90 , 153 -154

restrictive, 154 -155

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 124

Cardioversion, 58 , 80

CAT scan. See Computed axial tomography

Chest pain, 27

from angina pectoris, 107 , 112

from aortic dissection, 195

cardiovascular causes, 94 -95

from myocardial infarction, 115 , 195

from myocardial ischemia, 101

noncardiac causes, 95

Cholesterol, 98 -99

Circulatory system, 1 -3, 2 , 19 , 19

blood mixing in, 161 -163, 172

cardiovascular shunts, 162 -163

fetal circulation, 160 -161, 161

pulmonary circulation, 1 -2, 2 , 10 -11, 11 , 21 , 185

systemic circulation, 1 , 2 , 2 , 8

Computed axial tomography (CAT scan), 40

Congenital heart disease, 26 -27, 43

Congenital malformations, 7 , 63 -64, 159 -160

atrial septal defect, 163 -165, 164

coarction of aorta, 163 , 171 -172

complete heart block, 86

Ebstein's anomaly, 173 -174

patent ductus arteriosus, 168 -169

preexcitation arrhythmias and, 87 -88

pulmonary atresia, 172

pulmonary hypertension and, 188 , 191

pulmonary stenosis, 169 -170, 174

single ventricle, 174

tetralogy of Fallot, 170 -171

total anomalous venous return, 173

transposition of the great arteries, 172 , 173

tricuspid atresia, 172 -173

truncus arteriosus, 174


valve abnormalities, 174

valvular stenosis, 163

ventricular septal defect, 166 , 166 -168, 172

Coronary angioplasty, 54 -55, 55 , 109 , 121

Coronary arteriography, 43

Coronary-artery disease, 96 -97

acute syndromes, 106

asymptomatic, 106 -107

atherosclerosis and, 96

chronic pump failure and, 124 -125

chronic syndromes, 106

complications, 142 -143

consequences of, 97

diet and, 98 , 100

incidence of, 98

predictors, 99

risk factors, 99 -100

sudden death from, 90 , 106 , 123 -124

treatment, 100

See also Myocardial ischemia

Coronary atherosclerosis. See Coronary-artery disease

Coronary reserve, 101 -102

Cor pulmonale, 190

acute, 189

CPR. See Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Cyanosis, 161 -162, 163 , 170 -171


Death, sudden, 89 -90

coronary-artery disease and, 90 , 106 , 123 -124

from myocardial infarction, 116

Defibrillation, electric, 57 , 91

Diagnostic imaging, 40

Diagnostic indicators, 26 -28, 29 -30

Diagnostic tests, 26 -46

interpreting results, 45 -46

invasive tests, 40 -46

noninvasive tests, 30 -40

physical examination, 28 -30

See also names of specific diagnostic tests or techniques

Diastolic overload. See Volume overload


coronary-artery disease and, 98 , 100

after myocardial infarction, 123

Digitalis, 51 , 69

Diuretics, 51 , 53 , 69 , 70 , 136See also Fluid retention

Down's syndrome, 159

Dressler syndrome, 157

Drugs, 49

administration of, 50 -51

antianginal drugs, 52

antiarrhythmic drugs, 52

anticoagulants, 52 , 136 , 189

anti-heart failure, 52

antihypertensive drugs, 52 , 183

antithrombotic, 52 , 115 , 121 , 189

aspirin, 52 , 100

beta-adrenergic blocking agents, 51 , 108 -109, 154

calcium channel blocking agents, 52 , 109 , 154

digitalis, 51 , 69

diuretics, 51 , 53 , 69 , 70 , 136

to enhance cardiac contraction, 51 , 69

interactions, 50

lipid-lowering, 52

nitroglycerin, 52 , 107 , 109 , 115

pacing studies of, 83 -84

procaineamid, 52

propranolol, 51

quinidine, 52

to reduce serum cholesterol, 100

to reduce workload, 69 -70

risk-benefit relationship, 53

side effects, 49

thrombolytic, 52 , 115 , 121 , 189

toxicity of, 49 -50, 53

Dyspnea, 27 , 64 , 65 -66, 68

in acute myocarditis, 151

in cardiomyopathy, 152 , 155

in mitral stenosis, 134 -135


Echocardiography, 34 -38, 151 , 157

doppler, 37

M-mode, 34 -35, 35

transesophageal, 37

two-dimensional, 35 -37, 36

Edema, 66 , 67

pulmonary, 64 , 135

Electric countershock. See Cardioversion; Defibrillation, electric

Electrocardiography, 30 -33, 31 , 73

Electrophysiological study, for diagnosis, 45

Emboli, in systemic circulation, 118

Embolism, pulmonary, 188 -189

cor pulmonale, acute, 189

pulmonary infarct, 189

Emergencies, cardiac, 89

Endocarditis, infective, 143 , 145 , 146 -149, 154 , 167


circulation and, 24 -25

external work, 24 -25, 62 -63

oxygen consumption and, 22 -24

See also Workload



Familial hyperlipidemia, 99

Fibrillation. See Arrhythmias; Atrial fibrillation; Defibrillation, electric; Ventricular fibrillation

Fluid retention, 65 -66, 67

ascites, 65

edema, 66 , 67

heart failure and, 65 , 66 -67, 67

pleural effusion, 65

See also Diuretics

Flutter, 75

atrial, 75 , 80 , 81

atrial, treatment, 81

ventricular, 76 , 83


Greater circulation. See Systemic circulation



atrioventricular valves, 7 ,7

semilunar valves, 5 , 6 , 8 , 16 -17

structure, 3 -8, 4 , 5

valves, 5 , 6 , 7 , 7 -8

Heartbeat, 71

echo beats, 75

ectopic beats, 72 -73, 73 , 74 , 82

escape beats, 72

Heart block, 76 -78, 77 , 85 -86

complete, 86 -87

myocardial infarction and, 118

Heart contraction, 13 , 15

Heart failure, 64 -68, 93

acute, 67 -68

from acute myocarditis, 151

chronic, 68

congestive, 65 , 155

dyspnea and, 65 -66

fluid retention and, 66 -67, 67

mitral regurgitation and, 143

myocardial infarction and, 117

pressure changes in, 65 , 66

treatment, 68 -70

Heart murmurs, 29 , 163 , 167 , 169

Heart transplants. See Transplantation, cardiac

Hemodynamic monitoring, 42 -43


from aortic dissection, 195

pulmonary, mitral stenosis and, 135

subintimal, 98

Holter monitor test, 32 -33, 83 , 102 , 103 -104

Hypertension, 99 , 100 -101, 175 , 178

aortic dissection and, 194

causes, 177 -178

coarctation of the aorta and, 171 -172

diagnosis, 178 -179

drug therapy for, 179 -180, 183 -184

effects of, 180

hypertensive encephalopathy, 181

prognosis, 180 -181

severity categories, 179

treatment, 182 -184

See also Blood pressure

Hypertension, pulmonary, 165 , 185 -188, 191

arteriolar spasm, 188

hyperkinetic, 186 -187

hypoxemia, 188 , 190

mitral stenosis and, 135 -136

passive, 186

primary, 190 -191

surgery for, 187 , 188

Hypertensive encephalopathy, 181

Hypertrophy, 63

in cardiomyopathy, 90 , 153 -154

Hypotension, myocardial infarction and, 117

Hypoxemia, 188 , 190


Infection, respiratory, mitral stenosis and, 135

Intraaortic balloon pumping, 56 , 57


myocardial. See Myocardial ischemia

silent, 106 -107

Ischemic heart disease. See Coronary-artery disease

Isotopic perfusion imaging, 38 -39, 39

for myocardial ischemia, 102 , 104 , 106



blood pressure role, 176 -177

heart failure effect on, 65


Lesser circulation. See Pulmonary circulation

Lipoproteins, coronary-artery disease and, 98

Lymphatic system, 12


Magnetic resonance imaging, 40

marfan's syndrome, 193

Medications. See Drugs

Mitral insufficiency. See Regurgitation, mitral

Mitral stenosis, 129 , 129 -130, 134 , 146

atrial fibrillation and, 81

complications, 135 -136

diagnosis, 135


dyspnea in, 134 -135

progression of, 134

pulmonary hypertension and, 191

respiratory infection and, 135

rheumatic fever and, 133 -134

surgery for, 131 , 136 -137

treatment, 135

See also Mitral valve; Stenosis

Mitral valve, 6 , 7 , 129

congenital clefts, 143

prolapse, 141 -142

regurgitation, 118 , 130 -131, 140 -143, 154

See also Mitral stenosis

Murmurs, 29 , 163 , 167 , 169

Myocardial contraction. See Heart contraction

Myocardial infarction, 95 , 114

acute, 94 , 106

cardiogenic shock and, 94

chest pain from, 115 , 195

complications, 117 -119, 122

diagnosis, 115 -116, 119 -120

electrocardiographic indicators, 103

infarct size increase, 117

patient management for, 120 -123

prognosis, 114 -115, 116 -117, 122 -123

subendocardial infarction, 115

symptoms, 115 -116

transmural infarction, 115 , 120

treatment, 120 -123

Myocardial ischemia, 94 -95, 101 -102, 105 , 150

diagnosis, 102 -104, 103

See also Coronary-artery disease

Myocardial isotopic perfusion imaging.

See Isotopic perfusion imaging

Myocarditis, acute, 150 -151


Nitroglycerin, 52 , 107 , 109 , 115

Nuclear cardiology, 38

Nuclear ventriculography, 38 , 39 -40

left ventriculography, 43 , 44


Oxygen, 3 , 62

Oxygen consumption, 22 -24


Pacemakers, 13 , 15 , 72

malfunction of, 86

Pacemakers, electronic, 55 -56, 87 , 91

pacing overdrive technique, 58

Palpitations, 28 , 80

Patent ductus arteriosus, 168 -169

Patient management, 48 -49

after myocardial infarction, 120 -123

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). See Coronary angioplasty

Pericardial effusion, 155 , 157

Pericardial tamponade, 94 , 156

Pericarditis, 118

acute, 156 -157, 158

chronic constrictive, 157 -158

neoplastic, 157 , 158

purulent, 158

tuberculous, 157

uremic, 157 , 158

viral, 151

Pericarditispostradiation, 157 , 158

Physical examinations, 26 , 28 -30

Pressure overload, 63

Preventive cardiology, 48

Procaineamid, 52

Propranolol, 51

PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty). See Coronary angioplasty

Pulmonary circulation, 1 -2, 2 , 10 -11, 11 , 21 , 185

Pulmonary congestion, 64

Pulmonary hypertension. See Hypertension, pulmonary

Pulmonary valve, 5 - 6. See also Semilunar valves

Pump failure, chronic, 106 , 124 -125

Pumping, intraaortic balloon, 56 , 57


Quinidine, 52


Radiation therapy, pericarditis and, 157 , 158

Radiography, 33 , 33 -34

angiocardiography, 43

Regurgitation, 126 -127

Regurgitation, aortic, 131 , 143 -145, 193

causes, 143 -144

complications, 145

diagnosis, 144

prognosis, 144 -145

Regurgitation, mitral, 118 , 130 -131, 140 , 143 , 191

causes, 140 -141

in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 154

infective endocarditis and, 143

ischemic, 142 -143

rheumatic, 141

Regurgitation, pulmonary, 145

Rheumatic fever, 127 -128

aortic regurgitation and, 144

epidemiology, 127 , 137

mitral stenosis and, 133 -134



cardiac, 90 , 118

of chordae tendineae, 142

of ventricular septum, 118


Semilunar valves, 5 , 6 , 16 -17

See also Aortic valve

Pulmonary valve

Shock, 93 -94

cardiogenic, 94 , 117

myocardial infarction and, 94 , 117

noncardiac causes, 94

syncope and, 93 -94

Shortness of breath. See Dyspnea

Sick-sinus syndrome, 86

Silent ischemia, 106 -107

Smoking, 99 , 100 -101

Stenosis, 126 -127, 129

congenital defects and, 160

congenital valvular, 163 , 174

in coronary arteries, 97

pulmonary, 145 , 169 -170

See also Aortic stenosis

Mitral stenosis

Stokes-Adams attack. See Syncope

Stress test, 32 , 38

Strokes, embolic, 135


aortic commisurotomy, 139

aortic-valve replacement, 139 -140

artificial hearts, 61

blood clot removal, 189

cardiac transplantation, 61 , 70 , 125 , 153

cardiopulmonary bypass, 59 , 60

closure of atrial septal defect, 165

for congenital malformations, 169 , 171 , 172

coronary bypass, 59 -60, 109 -111, 110 , 111

for hypertrophic myocardiopathy, 154

for mitral stenosis, 131 , 136 -137

open-heart, 59 , 131 , 171

for pericarditis, 157 , 158

resection of the aorta, 194 , 195

for valvular diseases, 131 , 133

Symptoms, of heart disease, 26 -28. See also names of specific symptoms

Syncope, 78 , 91 -93

abnormal reflexes and, 92

aortic stenosis and, 92

arrhythmias and, 91 -92, 93

presyncopal attacks, 92

prognosis, 93

shock and, 93 -94

Systemic circulation, 1 , 2 , 2 , 8

blood pressure and, 20 -21

Systolic overload. See Pressure overload


Tachycardia, 58 , 71

ectopic, 73

paroxysmal atrial, 80 , 83 , 95

supraventricular, 80 , 83 , 95

treatment, 58 , 80

ventricular, 82 -83, 88 , 95

See also Arrhythmias

Tetralogy of Fallot, 170 -171

Thallium perfusion imaging, 38 -39, 39 .

See also Isotopic perfusion imaging

Therapy. See Treatment

Thrombosis, 188 -189

coronary, 98

mitral stenosis and, 135

preventive treatment, 100

Transplantation, cardiac, 61 , 70 , 125 , 153

Treadmill stress test, 32 , 102 -103

Treatment, 47

balloon valvuloplasty, 54 -55

cardioversion, 58

coronary angioplasty, 54 -55, 55

electric defibrillation, 57

exercise, 49

of heart failure, 68 -70

interventional therapy, 53 -54

intraaortic balloon pumping, 56 , 57

pacing overdrive, 58

patient life-style, 48 -49, 122

risk-benefit relationship, 47 -48, 84

surgical therapies, 59 -61

Tricuspid valve, 5 , 6

Ebstein's anomaly, 173 -174

regurgitation, 145 -146

stenosis, 145

Triglycerides, as predictors of coronary-artery disease, 99

Tumors, cardiac, 143


Valves, 126

aortic valve, 130

diseases, 126 -144

insufficiency. See Regurgitation

mitral valve, 129

prosthetic, 131 -133, 132

prosthetic, inffective endocarditis and, 149

regurgitation, 126 -127

stenosis of, 126 -127, 129

See also Aortic valve

Mitral valve


Valvular diseases, surgery for, 131 , 133

Veins, 9

Ventricular fibrillation, 57 , 74 , 80 , 83

electric countershock and, 91

sudden death from, 90 , 123


treatment, 85 ,

See also Arrhythmias

Ventricular septal defect, 166 , 166 -168

Ventricular standstill, 86

sudden death from, 90

Verapamil, 52

Volume overload, 63 -64


Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 87 -88

Workload, 62 -63

external, 24 -25

hypertrophy and, 63

myocardial oxygen demand and, 101

pressure overload, 63

pulmonary circulation disturbances and, 185

valvular disease effect on, 131

volume overload, 63

See also Exercise


X rays. See Radiation therapy


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