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Waldere , 17

Wanderer, The , 19 , 353 , 353 n37

Wanley, Humphrey, 32

Watkins, Calvert W., 55 , 57 n10, 204 n7, 238 n75, 357

Webber, Ruth H., 124 n4, 163 n14

Wedding of Smailagic[*] Meho, The , 241

Wedding Song. See Serbo-Croatian epic

West, Martin L., 54 n4, 55 , 56 , 58 -59, 60 , 60 nn 15 and 17, 61

West, Stephanie, 24 , 25 , 25 n9, 26 , 26 n12

Westphal, R., 77 n47

Whitman, Cedric H., 252 n24, 284 n12, 351 n34

Widsith, 43 -44

Wife's Lament, The , 19 , 353

"Winged words" (epea pteroenta ), 121 , 129 -37, 147 , 219 n43, 246 , 251 n20, 262 n41, 390

Wolf, Friedrich August, 27

Women's songs (Serbo-Croatian), 16 -17

Woods, David, 117 n106

"Word" in oral tradition: in Beowulf and Old English poetry, 219 , 219 n42, 223 ;

in Homer, 137 -55, 157 , 223 n51, 264 , 273 n60, 276 n66;

rec (rijec ) in Serbo-Croatian epic, 44 -45, 47 -48, 49 -50, 67 , 90 n67, 103 n89, 180 , 185 , 186 , 197 , 223 n51, 276 n66, 287 -88, 310 n45, 327 -28, 390 . See also Bajgoric[*] , Halil; Basic[*] , Ibro; Kukuruzovic[*] , Mujo

Word-type localization. See Metrical word-type localization

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