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Packard, David W., 64 n23

Page, Denys L., 21 n2

Panathenaea: festival, 21 , 27 , 29 ;

rule, 22 ;

text, 22 , 28 , 30

Panhellenism, 21 , 23 , 24 , 27 n16, 29 , 38 Pantzer, Eugene E., 289 n22

Papyri: "wild" or eccentric, 21 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30 . See also Homeric texts

Parks, Walter Ward, 21 n1, 332 n5

Parry, Adam, 15 n35, 27 n15, 66 n27

Parry, Milman: on analogy, 150 n34, 377 n36;

on fieldwork and collecting, 39 -40, 42 , 44 ;

on Homeric language, 34 n32, 126 n6;

on meaning of


"tradition," 2 , 21 ;

on metrical dimension of formula, 52 , 73 , 79 , 79 n52, 106 , 120 , 132 , 164 , 164 n17, 202 , 210 ;

seminal nature of his work, 121 , 388 ;

on theme, 240 , 241 , 242 , 279 n2;

on thrift, 65 -66, 164 , 354 ;

on traditional language and Greek sculpture, 200 n76;

from "traditional" to "oral," 39 , 39 n44, 122 -24;

on utility of traditional phraseology, 160 , 165 , 165 n21;

on "winged words," 129 , 130 n 10. See also Milman Parry Collection; Oral theory

Parry-Lord theory. See Oral theory

Peabody, Berkley, 10 n22, 55 , 57 -58, 60 , 74 nn 43 and 44, 76 -77, 79 -80, 81 , 82 , 83 , 126 n6, 164 n17, 206 n11, 244 , 359 n1, 361 n5

Peisistratus, 22 , 27 . See Homeric texts

Peregrinatio , 19 . See also Seafarer, The

Performance, oral traditional, 6 , 7 n15, 12 , 25 , 28 , 30 , 40 , 292 , 297

Peters, Leonard J., 329 n1, 344 n25

Petrovic[*] , Svetozar, 61 , 85 n59, 86 -87, 96 , 97

Phoenix, The , 18

Phraseological rules. See Traditional rules

Planctus , 19 . See also Seafarer, The

Pleonasm. See Terracing

Pobratimstvo (blood-brotherhood), 370 , 380 , 384

Podlecki, Anthony J., 255 n29

Podrugovic[*] , Tešan, 87 (table 7)

Poetics, traditional oral: general, 1 ;

reading program, 5 -10;

reading program, application of, 10 -19. See also Genre-dependence; Textdependence; Tradition-dependence

Pope, John C., 34 n34, 35 n36, 111 -13, 114 , 114 n100, 116 , 118 , 202

Pope, M. W. M., 27 n16

Porter, Howard N., 69 n35, 74 -75, 77 , 78 , 78 n51

Postlethwaite, N., 275 n65

Powell, Barry B., 241 n5

Praxeis (Andreou kai Mattheia eis tên polin tôn anthrôpophagôn ), 342 n22, 344 -54

Prendergast, Guy L., 129 n9

Preparation for Journey Home theme, 362

Pripjev (proem), 162 n13, 289 , 289 n22, 291 , 360 n2, 364 , 370

Psalms, The (Old English poem), 213 n28, 231 n65

Puhvel, Jaan, 67 n32

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