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Lackawanna Railroad, 253 , 263

Lacombe, Judge E. Henry, 333

Laemmle, Carl, 27 ;

and film exchange, 328 -29, 374 , 380 , 434 , 443 -44;

and film production companies, 445 , 463 , 471

Lake Shore Film and Supply Company, 399

Langtry, Lillie, 466

Lantern shows, 66 , 186 , 200 -201, 207 , 218 -19, 220 , 304 , 517 n.75, 523 n.25. See also Illustrated lectures

Lantern slides, 226 ;

combined with films, 122 -24, 129 -31, 136 , 278 -79;

depicting dreams and visions, 200 -201;

and dissolves, 172 ;

editorial organization of, 183 ;

made for illustrated lectures, 144 ;

providing "visual newspaper," 141 . See also Illustrated lectures; Illustrated songs; Magic lantern; Travelogues

Lasky, Jesse, 473

Latham, Gray, 45 , 77 , 86

Latham, Otway, 45 , 48

Latham, Woodville, 45

Latham family: and eidoloscope, 57 , 60 ,


70 , 77 , 86 -87;

and Kinetoscope Exhibition Company, 45 -46, 47 -49

Latham loop, 379

Lauste, Eugene, 30

Lawrence, Florence, 336 , 337 , 337 -39, 534 n.47

Leacock, Richard, 476

Leander Sisters, 106 , 107

Lee, Fitzhugh, 127 , 130

Lee, Van C., 366 , 395 -96

Léger, Fernand, 476

Lehigh Valley Railroad, 95 -96, 97 , 98 -99

Leigh, Fred W., 348

Leigh Sisters, 55 , 62

Leonard, Marion, 463

Leonard, Michael, 47

Leslie's Weekly , 163

Levy, David, 254 , 259 , 492 n.12, 509 -10n.72, 529 n.148

Lewis, Max, 328 , 438 , 443 . See also Chicago Film Exchange

Leyda, Jay, 521 n.28, 542 n.184

Library of Congress, 4 , 232 -33, 244 , 286 -87, 320 , 321

Lighting, 392 ;

arc lights, 191 , 388 , 475 ;

complaints about, 422 , 426 , 451 ;

Cooper-Hewitt lights, 388 ;

sunlight, 32 , 152

Lights and Shadows of a Great City (lantern show), 523 n.25

Lincoln, Abraham, 186 , 415 -16

Lipton, Sir Thomas, 143

Little Christopher Columbus (musical burlesque), 51

Local views, 65 -66, 96 -98, 251 , 284 , 378 -79, 537 n.30. See also Actualities

Loew, Marcus, 328 , 399

Lombard, Thomas, 45

London Daily Mail , 132

Long, Samuel, 329 , 439

Long, William J. (nature writer), 351

Los Angeles Herald , 82

Los Angeles Times , 82 , 83 , 84 , 368

The Lost Paradise (melodrama), 89 -90

Louisana Purchase Exposition (1904), 278 -79

Low, Seth, 191

Lubin, Sigmund, 114 , 115 , 237 , 439

—dupes Edison films, 197

—dupes foreign films, 239 , 253

—exhibition service, 155 , 163

—member of Association of Edison Licensees, 376 , 382

—member of Motion Picture Patents Co., 437 , 442

—productions, 140 , 146 , 197 , 218 , 253 , 286 , 310 , 314 , 334 , 417 , 427 ;

films remade by Edison, 174 , 180 , 286 , 515 n.35;

remakes Edison subjects, 163 , 244 -45, 310

—sued by Edison for copyright infringement, 197 , 207 -8, 213 , 237 -38, 244

—sued by Edison for patent infringement, 115 , 333 ;

flees to Germany, 178 ;

returns from Germany, 197

—theaters owned by, 398

Lubin Manufacturing Company. See Lubin, Sigmund

Lucy Daley's Pickaninnies, 50

Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 60

—cinématographe, 58 , 59 , 68 -69, 87 -88, 91 , 98 , 117 -18, 507 n.25;

U.S. premiere of, 87 ;

versus vitascope, 87 , 88 , 98 , 502 n.48

—film productions of, 98 , 162 , 260 , 317 , 506 n.168

—films acquired by Raff & Gammon, 67

—Maguire & Baucus as agent for, 115

—and quality of film stock, 265 , 266

—as source for Edison films, 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 -69, 94 , 102

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