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Padilla, Telésforo, 182

Palazuelos, Pedro, 181

Pantigoso Chávez, José, 171


See Indian communities

Pardo, José, 279

Paredes family, 233 , 240

Paredes, Juan: and inheritance, 242 , 245 , 247 ;

and land, 113 , 125 , 222 , 230 ;

and paternalism, 295 ;

and trade, 68 -69, 140

Paredes, Luis, 254

Paredes, Manuel E. (senior), 171

Paredes, Mariano, 242

Paredes, Sabina, 247

Paredes Urviola, Manuel E., 25 , 219

Paternalism: 211 , 230 -31, 354 ;

in haciendas, 10 , 303 -5, 315 , 321 , 330 , 336

Paucarcolla (province), 32 , 33 , 35 , 39 , 91

Payta, 50

Peasants: assessment for taxes, 279 -80;

autonomy, 64 , 75 , 78 , 105 , 133 -34, 194 , 332 , 342 , 354 ;

community vs. colonos , 273 , 326 ;

consumption patterns, 170 -71;

control over cameloids, 163 , 167 ;

debt and dependency, 229 -31, 285 -86, 292 -93, 325 , 333 , 354 ;

and economic rationality, 323 -25;

festivities and ceremonies, 172 , 195 ;

household economy and production, 36 -38, 53 , 56 , 167 , 175 , 195 -96, 284 -85;

inheritance, 266 -67, 273 , 276 ;

kulak, 283 -84;

landholding during colony, 81 , 89 -90, 98 -99, 101 , 102 , 382 n.115;

landholding during republic, 127 , 205 -6, 271 , 281 -82, 286 , 342 , 349 ;

litigation, 235 , 267 -68;

payments and services to authorities, 95 -96, 129 , 274 -75;

prices of land, 215 -19;

resistance and revolt, 97 , 209 , 221 , 279 , 320 , 324 , 337 -48;

trading, 56 -58, 71 -72, 101 , 140 , 177 -78, 188 -89, 195 -96, 283 -85, 334 ;

and wool traders, 193 -94;

work outside of communities, 39 , 63 , 285 .

See also Colonos ; Indian communities; Indians; Labor

Pelechuco, 24 , 25

Peña, José María, 179 -80

Pentland, John Barclay, 57

Peritos agrimensores , 114

Peruvian Corporation, 184 , 351 .

See also Transportation

Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation, 53 , 58

Pezuela, Joaquín de, 50

Picotani (ayllu and hacienda in Muñani district): administrators, 294 -95;

capellanía , 121 ;

colonos , 195 , 291 , 297 -302, 327 ;

during colony, 83 ;

during early republic, 113 ;

formation of estate out of ayllu, 84 ;



gation, 249 ;

modernization, 318 -20;

productivity, 307 ;

rate of return, 313 ;

woman owner, 242 ;

wool sales, 190

Piedmont (of Andes).

See Ceja de la selva

Piel, Jean, 74 -75

Piérola, Carmen, 242

Piérola, Nicolás de, 160 , 209 , 211 -12, 246 , 263 , 279 , 337

Pinedo, Andrea, 304

Pino family, 181

Platt, Tristan, 177 -78

Poblete brothers, 63

Ponce, Manuel Eleuterio, 277

Ponce de León, Francisco, 304

Pongo , 129 , 275 -76, 296 , 318 .

See also Colonos ; Indian communities

Population: birth and death rates, 26 ;

density, 24 , 95 , 270 -71;

ethnic composition, 145 ;

family size among hacendados, 245 ;

of Indian communities, 269 -70;

long-term development in Azángaro, 20 -28, 86 , 349 ;

Malthusian model, 28 ;

migration, 25 , 87 .

See also Censuses; Epidemics

Porco, 32

Portobelo, 41

Potatoes, 18 .

See also Chuño

Poto, 32 , 61 , 62 , 130

Potoni, 14 ;

alpaca wool production, 188 ;

during colony, 81 ;

hacendados, 65 ;

hacienda formation, 221 , 223 , 235 ;

population, 271 ;

roads, 185 , 223

—haciendas: Caiconi, 99 ;

Lourdes, 217 , 232 ;

Potoni, 120 , 188

—parcialidad: Hila, 99 , 283

Potosí: epidemic, 24 ;

as market, 32 , 35 , 37 , 44 , 50 -51, 71 ;

mita , 21 , 87 , 89 , 92 ;

production and export of silver, 40 -42;

Protector de Indios, 90 ;

rebellions and Wars of Independence, 48 ;

road to, 38 ;

and transport business, 39

Precious metals, 61 -64.

See also Gold; Silver

Prenda pretorial.

See Anticresis

Prices: conventional, 219 , 335 ;

of land, 202 , 214 -20, 335 ;

of livestock, 215 ;

of staple foods, 101 ;

of textiles, 134 ;

theory, 420 n.90;

of wool, 60 -61, 69 , 152 , 154 , 157 -60, 163 -64, 189 -91, 196 , 343 -44.

See also Credit; Trade

Priests: economic situation after independence, 138 -39;

and peasants, 82 , 92 ;

and provincial elite, 96 , 100 -101, 187 , 255 .

See also Catholic church

Principales (in the Indian communities), 90 , 141 , 341 -43

Property rights: during Bourbon era, 121 , 330 ;

in capitalist economy, 5 -6;

disputed borders, 6 , 128 , 237 , 335 -36;

and gamonales , 354 ;

and land-use rights, 100 , 260 -68, 276 , 278 .

See also Land

Protector de Indios, 37 , 87 -88, 90 , 91

Proto-industrialization, 36 -37.

See also Artisans; Obrajes

Prudencio, Eusebio, 179

Pucará, 70 , 176 , 188 , 211

Pucará (river), 14 , 238

Puerto Acosta, 196

Pumacahua Rebellion, 49 -50

Puno (intendency and department): administration, 98 -99, 109 , 132 ;

consumption, 170 -72;

currencies circulating, 160 -61;


Puno (continued )

Junta Departamental, 129 -30;

mining after independence, 62 -64;

peasant land tenure, 263 ;

prefects, 52 , 132 ;

Reglamento de Minería, 129 -30;

roads and railroads, 183 -86;

shifting borders, 48 ;

textiles, 52 -53, 174 ;

during Wars of Independence, 49 -50;

wool traders, 180 , 186 -97

Puno (town): charity, 115 ;

diocese, 121 , 246 , 256 ;

hacendado families, 245 -46, 351 ;

merchants, 179 , 181 , 186 ;

schools, 246 ;

stores, 171 ;

Superior Court, 211 , 236 ;

during Túpac Amaru rebellion, 45 , 62 , 161 , 284

Puraca family, 280

Putina (district): during colony, 80 ;

enganche labor, 25 ;

estates, 113 ;

hacendados, 211 , 219 , 221 -24, 241 , 245 , 270 , 281 , 284 , 294 , 297 ;

roads, 185 ;

settlement nucleus, 134 ;

trade, 186 , 187 , 247

—haciendas: Antacollo y Antaña, 205 ;

Churura, 192 , 203 , 294 ;

Collpani, 245 , 247 ;

Loquicolla Chico, 215 , 245 -47;

Loquicolla Grande, 121 , 246 ;

Nuestra Señora de las Nieves de Chocallaca, 250 ;

Pachaje, 113 ;

Pampa Grande, 246 -47;

Quisuni, 117 ;

Tarucani/Sirasirani, 113 , 306

—parcialidades: Huayllapata, 283 ;

Jayuraya, 224

Putina (province), 12

Putina (river), 14

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