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Walkowitz, Judith R, 50 , 292 n78

Warner, Dr. A. S., 19 , 266 n1

Washington, D.C.: Freedmen's Hospital,

Continued on next page.


Continued from previous page.

147 ;

General Hospital, 210 ;

Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, 80 ;

test cases in, 336 n70;

women's liberation groups in, 333 n35

Washington University Dispensary (St. Louis), 70

Wayman, John, 122

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services , 251 , 252

Weiss, Dr. E. A., 64 .

Welfare, 134 , 249 , 253 , 340 n13;

and access to abortion, 338 n111;

attacks on, 249 feminist influence on, 297 n3;

National Welfare Rights Organization, 228 ;

sterilization of recipients, 231

Wetherhill, Dr. H. G., 82

Wheeler, Shirley, 243

Whites: ethnic groups, 16 ;

legislators, 13 ;

racial fears of, it, 50 ;

reformers, 91 . See also Women, white

Wife beating, 41

Will, Dr. O. B., 120

Windmueller, Dr. Charles R. A., 108 , 295 n106

Winter, Margaret, 39

Wisconsin, 61 , 149

Withdrawal, 41 , 196

Womanhood: "bonds" of, 266 n6;

of midwives, 76

Woman's City Club (Chicago), 105

Women: admission to medical profession, 11 -12;

arrest of, for abortion, 243 ;

attitude toward abortion, 25 -26;

Catholic, 233 , 268 n12;

class divisions among, 94 ;

communist, 172 , 319 n60;

community obligation among, 31 , 270 n49;

demand for abortions, 1 , 147 , 159 , 249 , 254 , 290 n54;

and discourse on abortion, 8 , 21 , 23 -24, 44 , 109 , 220 ;

discrimination against, 228 ;

empowerment of, 226 , 253 ;

in history of crime, 5 , 261 n8;

influence on physicians, 6 ;

Jewish, 7 , 137 , 173 , 306 nn22, 23;

medical lectures for, 84 -85;

moral character of, 58 -59;

moral superiority of, 12 , 264 n39;

non-professional, 222 ;

perceptions of abortion, 23 -24;

property rights of, 261 n8;

Protestant, 10 , 23 , 50 , 137 , 306 n22;

reasons for abortion, 42 ;

silence of, 20 -21, 266 nn4, 5;

status in American society, 245 ;

subordination of, 20 , 21 , 217 ;

targeting in antiabortion campaigns, 81 , 85 -85;

before therapeutic abortion committees, 279 , 200 , 32 n79

in workforce, 163 , 194 , 324 n3;

in World War II, 162 -63;

writers, 141 , 309 n45. See also Abortion patients

Women, affluent: abortion practices of, 53 , 54 , 58 , 69 , 236 ;

childbearing of, 208 ;

choice of physicians, 137 ;

during Depression, 135 ;

investigation of, 119 ;

legalized abortion for, 251 ;

in physician-patient relationship, 67 ;

support of legal abortion, 342 n34

Women, African American, 2 ;

abortion records of, 300 n21;

in abortion rights movement, 232 , 253 ;

in black power movement, 334 n50;

childrearing by, 194 ;

in coroners' inquests, 119 -20;

education levels of, 306 n21;

effect of illegal abortion on, 193 ;

fatal abortions of, 211 -12, 222 , 232 ;

feminists among, 232 ;

at Gabler-Martin clinic, 263 ;

history of, 259 n35

illegitimate births by, 136 , 137 ;

in Kinsey abortion study, 305 n15;

married, 135 -36;

maternity homes for, 28 , 306 n21;

self-induced abortions of, 43 ;

sterilization of, 207 , 208 ;

therapeutic abortion for, 204 -5;

traditional roles of, 163 ;

use of abortionists, 326 n18;

use of black physicians, 286 n10;

use of midwives, 296 n117;

use of Planned Parenthood, 231 . See also African Americans

Women, married: abortion practices of, 11 , 20 , 23 , 58 , 152 -53,277 n42;

in abortion raid cases, 165 ;

abuse of, 41 , 59 , 273 n102;

African American, 135 -36;

childless, 152 ;

discrimination against in workforce, 133 , 162 -63, 194 , 250 ;

during Depression, 135 ;

and "race suicide," 92 , 102 , 104 ;

reasons for abortion, 38 -40, 104 ;

reproductive rights of, 102 , 104 ;

self-induced abortions of, 312 n89;

use of physicians, 73

Women, middle-class: abortion practices of, 11 ;

demand for abortion, 290 n54;

psychiatric symptoms of, 201 ;

reproductive rights of, 13 ;

therapeutic abortions for, 203 , 207 ;

use of contraceptives, 40 -41;

views on childbearing, 58 , 40

Women, poor: in abortion clinics, 306 n19;

abortion funding for, 251 ;

Continued on next page.


Continued from previous page.

abortion reform proposals for, 142 ;

activism of, 336 n72;

contraceptives for, 134 ;

during Depression, 134 -35, 241 ;

effect of illegal abortion on, 193 ;

fertility of, 231 ;

forced cesarean sections for, 250 ;

importance of abortion to, 37 , 40 ;

legalized abortion for, 256 , 246 ;

reproductive rights of, 248 ;

self-induced abortion by, 43 , 119 , 137 -48;

sterilization of, 231 ;

therapeutic abortion for, 144 , 205 ;

use of midwives, 76

Women, unmarried: abortion practices of, 23 , 31 -34, 58 , 60 , 69 , 136 , 202 , 268 n15, 327 n32;

in abortion raid cases, 165 ;

African American, 306 n21;

coroners' inquests on, 128 -30;

counseling for, 84 ;

dying declarations of, 126 ;

exposure of sexual activity, 28 , 200 , 269 n36;

independence of, 109 ;

legal abortion for, 221 ;

marriage following abortion, 303 n58;

postponement of marriage, 133 ;

prosecution of, 122 ;

punishment for, 221 , 249 ;

rape of, 33 , 270 n61;

reasons for abortion, 33 -34;

reproductive rights of, 108 ;

self-induced abortion by, 312 n89;

sexual danger for, 102 , 293 n84;

students among, 195 ;

suicide of, 185 ;

testimony in abortion trials, 184 ;

therapeutic abortion for, 202 ;

as victims, 23 , 32 -33, 59 , 92 , 102 , 249 . See also College women; Mothers, unmarried

Women, white: access to therapeutic abortion, 205 , 207 ;

college attendance, 194 ;

in coroners' inquests, 119 ;

fatal abortions of, 211 , 213 , fig. 6;

and feminism, 228 , 236 ;

illegitimate births by, 136 -37;

pressure for marriage and motherhood directed at, 163 ;

as private-paying patients, 205 ;

and self-induced abortions, 137 ;

as ward patients, 207 ;

and welfare, 249

Women, working-class, 2 ;

abortion practices of, 20 , 23 , 27 , 31 , 141 , 152 , 153 -54;

abortions by physicians, 70 -71;

contraception for, 6 , 36 ;

in coroners' inquests, 119 ;

during Depression, 135 ;

of England, 140 ;

family planning by, 230 ;

history of, 259 n3;

reasons for abortion, 33 , 40 ;

in Sanger clinics, 23 ;

sexual freedom for, 92 ;

use of midwives, 73 ;

views on abortion, 6 , 29 -30;

wages of, 29 , 163 , 270 n41

Women's Christian Temperance Union, 297 n3

Women's Ephemera Collection (North-western University), 256

Women's history, 2 , 3 , 259 n1;

poststructural analysis of, 262 n21

Women's liberation, 228 , 333 n35

Women's movements: and antiabortion campaigns, 14 ;

and legalization of abortion, 15 -16;

move from left, 142 , 309 n48;

nineteenth-century, H, 12 , 264 n39;

public-health work of, 96 , 291 n60. See also Feminists

Women's National Abortion Action Coalition (WONAAC), 232 , 257

Women's suffrage, 237

Woof, Dr. Joseph T., 19 -20

World War II: abortion during, 162 -63, 325 n8;

effect on gender identity, 141 , 163 , 309 n45

Wynn, Dr. Ralph M., 238

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