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Saint Louis, Mo., 61

San Francisco, 61 , 89 , 226

Sanger, Margaret, 36 , 141 , 229 ;

letters to, 37 , 38 , 40 , 41 , 132

Schmid, Calvin, 274 n111

Schoenian, Mme. M., 52 , 73

Scholtes, Mrs., 74 .

Schrecker, Ellen, 319 n60

Schultz-Knighten, Dr. Anna B., 300 nn21-22

Scott, Joan Wallach, 262 n2l

Search and seizure, illegal, 166 , 248

Septic abortion wards, 138 , 210 , 214 , 239 , 307 n29;

closure of, 246 ;

reopening of, 249

Septic infection: among poor women, 134 ;

fatal, 147 , 242 , 300 n24;

in legal abortion, 284 n110;

physician-induced, 79 , 265 n46, 285 n113;

women's knowledge of, 27

"The Service" (abortion provider). See "Jane"

Settlement houses, 107

Sexism: in abortion system, 194 ;

of men, 228 , 231 , 232 , 334 n50;

in present-day antiabortion movement, 249

Sex trade, British, 50

Sexual harassment, by abortionists, 199 , 200 , 225

Sexual immorality: in abortion raid cases, 167 ;

in anti-midwife campaign, 92 ;

male, 59

Sexuality: history of, 297 n2;

social history of, 7 , 8 ;

Victorian view of, 292 n78. See also Freedom, sexual; Heterosexual relations

Sexuality, female: autonomy in, 253 ;

in birth control movement, 36 , 229 ;

as dangerous to women, 108 ;

feminist thought on, 270 n59;

maternity in, 163 ;

reformers' views on, 100 ;

regulation of, 3 , 269 n36;

in second wave feminism, 228 -29;

social concern over, 91 , 92 , 108 ;

as threat, 102 , 109

Sexuality, male: immorality in, 59 ;

regulation of, 115 , 296 n2

Sexual norms: in abortion reform movements, 221 ;

in antiabortion campaigns, 12 ;

deviation from, 163 ;

psychiatrists' views on, 331 n20;

state regulation of, 115 , 130 -31;

violation of, 5

Shame, 36 , 125 , 126 -28, 230 ;

in regulation of reproductive behavior, 5 , 28 , 36 , 171 , 200 , 230

Shaver, Clarence, 104

Shaver, Dr. Eva, 101 , 105 ;

newspaper coverage of, 104 ;

office of, plate 5;

trial of, 107


Shelton, Dr. William E., 313 n113

Sheppard-Towner Act, 81 , 110 , 172 ;

abolition of, 111 ;

and attacks on midwifery, 291 n111

Shorter, Edward, 284 n111

Silence: in McCarthy era, 192 ;

as metaphor for subordination, 20 , 21 , 266 nn4, 5

Silva, Dr., 56

Simon, Kate, 68

Slaves, abortifacients of, 9

Slippery elm, 45 , 44 , 274 nn106, 111

Sloane Hospital (New York), 205 , 207

Socialist movements: and birth control, 141 ;

and legal abortion, 142 , 218 , 233 . See also Left, political

Socialized medicine, 172

Society for Humane Abortion (SHA, California), 223 , 224 , 227 ;

male support of, 331 n22;

newsletter of, 257 ;

underground arm of, 224

South, midwives in, 296 n117

South Carolina, 331 n15

South Dakota, 336 n70

Soviet Union, 139 , 140 , 141 , 172 , 180 , 285 n114, 308 n42

"Speaking," liberatory aspects of, 20 , 21 , 266 nn4, 5

Speak-outs, 20 , 229 -30, 333 n40

Specialists, 285 n1;

antiabortion campaigns of, 15 ;

in coroners' inquests, 88 ;

in history of abortion, 4 ;

physician-abortionists as, 147 , 159 , 310 n66;

on use of curette, 285 n113. See also Gynecologists; Obstetricians

Speculums, 75

Spencer, Dr. Robert Douglas, 310 n70

Springer, Dr., 300 n21

Squier, Dr. Raymond, 322 n85

Stackable, Dr. W. H., 104 , 105

Stahl, Dr. Frank A., 42

Stanko, Helen, 168 ;

trials of, 169 -70, 171 , 318 n44.

Stanley, Dr., 56

State: cooperation of hospitals with, 4 , 121 , 123 -24, 162 , 173 -74, 190 , 226 , 303 n52;

enforcement of abortion law, 1 , 81 , 107 , 114 -31, 299 n17;

enforcement of childbearing, 340 n13;

intervention in marriage, 115 , 129 -31;

medical profession's cooperation with, 3 , 81 , 88 -90, 115 -16, 120 -25, 131 , 226 , 249 , 260 n5;

surveillance of abortion, 163 , 173 , 249 ;

surveillance of health care, 249

States: abortion laws of, 64 , 252 , 261 n13, 265 n45;

abortion reform in, 331 n15;

test cases in, 335 n67, 336 n70

State v. Martin , 166

Stead, W. T., 49 -50

Sterilization, 320 n66;

coercive, 207 , 208 , 232 , 324 n116, 333 n42;

for eugenic reasons, 328 n50;

of low-income patients, 207 , 231 ;

medical grounds for, 329 n54;

during therapeutic abortion, 328 n51;

therapeutic abortion committees' oversight of, 177

Stevens, Rosemary, 313 n106

Stevenson, Dr. Sarah Hackett, 58 , 290 n52;

in anti-midwife campaign, 93 -94

Stix, Dr. Regine K., 23

Storer, Dr. Horatio R, 20 , 82 ;

on quickening, 11 -12

Storer, Dr. Humphreys, 82

Stowe, Dr. Herbert M., 96 , 291 n61

Students, in abortion rights movement, 225 . See also Medical students

Styskal, Cecilia, 75

Suicide: in People v. Martin , 167 ;

"race," 102 , 104 .;

in therapeutic abortion decisions, 201 -2, 241 ;

of unmarried women, 185

Sulfonamides, 319 n5

Supreme Court. See U.S. Supreme Court

Sweden, 224

Switzerland, 140 , 308 n42

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