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Race: in criminalization of abortion, 11 , 15 ;

differences among women, 16 ;

as factor in abortion, 16 , 135 -38, 193 , 213 -14, 252 , fig. 6;

in infant mortality, 213 , 329 n61;

in Keemer trial, 188 ;

in maternal mortality, 211 , 213 , 232 , 329 nn60, 61 fig. 6 ;

and therapeutic abortion, 205 , 206 , fig. 3;

and welfare, 249 . See also African Americans; Puerto Ricans; Whites

"Race suicide," 92 , 102 , 104

Racism, 11 , 208 , 213 ;

Raids: on abortion clinics, 160 -62, 164 -68, 181 , 243 , 249 , 316 n16, 316 n19;

newspaper coverage of, 192 ;

testimony on, 164 -66, 168 , 170 -71;

use of force in, 167 , 318 n41

Rape: abortion following, 33 -34, 65 , 175 , 199 , 221 , 251 , 340 n19;

in hypothetical abortion requests, 240 ;

marital, 59 ;

pregnancy following, 64 ;

statutory, 92 , 304 -n67;

of unmarried women, 33 , 270 n61

Reed, Dr. Charles B., 82 , 83

Reformers: in anti-midwife campaign, 96 ;

on maternal health, 111 ;

medical, 217 ;

in public health, 138 ;

views on abortion, 99 - 100

Regulars (physicians), 10 -11, 48 , 263 n32;

abortions performed by, 72 , 282 n92;

in Chicago Times exposé, 55 , 56 , 276 n29;

consolidation of, 282 n92

"Relief babies," 134

Religion, organized: in abortion rights movement, 221 , 244 ;

fundamentalism in, 248 ;

leadership in abortion issues, 13 ;

response to birth control movement, 6 -7, 262 n18;

teaching on abortion, 6 , 7 , 262 nn17, 18, 19

Religious belief, and abortion rates, 23 , 137 , 242

Reproduction: centrality to society, 266 n50;

economic factors in, 133 ;

medical profession's control over policy, 3 , 208 , 214 ;

public policy on, 110 , 214 ;

shame in regulation of, 5 , 28 , 125 , 126 -28, 171 , 200

Reproductive rights, 18 , 204 , 253 -54;


Continued on next page.


Continued from previous page.

ter Roe v. Wade , 245 ;

under ALI model law, 221 ;

in backlash against abortion, 252 ;

birth control movement in, 111 ;

Catholic Church on, 7 ,180 -81, 248 ;

in challenges to abortion law, 237 ;

in Chicago abortion trade, 48 ;

choice in, 133 ;

in coroners' inquests, 45 ;

in Doe v. Scott , 239 -40;

feminist interest in, 190 , 224 ;

history of, 6 , 7 , 8 ;

Jewish tradition of, 7 ;

mass movements for, 217 ;

in McCarthy era, 1643 nineteenth-century, 229 ;

and patients' rights, 247 -48, 251 ;

and population control programs, 231 ;

in postwar era, 194 ;

in private sphere, 254 ;

in public policy, 110 ;

public support for, 321 n84;

resentment against, 102 , 104 ;

of teenagers, 248 , 253 ;

in therapeutic abortion, 66 , 67 , 146 , 279 n64;

of unmarried women, 108 ;

without physician's approval, 220 ;

women's discourse on, 44 ;

and women's goals, 195

Restell, Madam, 10

Right to decide. See Reproductive rights

Right to die, 247

Ripczynski, Veronica, 75

Robinson, Dr. 'William J., The Law against Abortion , 139 ;

as "A.B.C.," 45 , 268 n22

Rockefeller, Nelson, 234

Roe v. Wade , 198 , 244 , 245 ;

attacks on, 249 , 251 ;

coalitions supporting, 248 ;

right to privacy in, 244 .

Rolick, Marie, 98 -99

Romania, 250

Rongetti, Dr. Amante, 72 , 128

Rongy, Dr. A.-J., Abortion: Legal or Illegal , 139 -40;

on fatal abortion, 146 -47

Root, Dr. Eliza H., 92 -93

Rosen, Dr. Harold, 328 n47

Rosner, Dr. Marvin, 240

Ross, Ellen, 38 , 270 n49

Royston, Dr. G. D., 43

Rubella, 203 , 240

Rural areas, abortion in, 17 , 43 , 69

Ryan, Mary P., 163 , 315 n10

Ryder, Dr. George H., 181

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