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Oakley, Ernest F., 123

Obstetricians: in AMA, 90 ;

in antiabortion campaigns, 82 ;

campaign against midwives, 90 -94, 108 ;

influence on public policy, 105 ;

professional identity of, 295 n112;

regulation of general practitioners, 178 ;

regulation of midwives, 94 -95, 109 ;

support of ALI model law, 234 ;

and therapeutic abortion committees, 173 , 175 . See also Gynecologists; Midwives

Obstetrics: medical training in, 92 , 97 , 101 , 292 n70, 293 n81;

morality of, 11 -12, 264 nn37, 38

O'Callaghan, Rev. Peter J., 62 -63

O'Connor, Sgt. William E., 113 , 126

Ohio, 336 n70

Oregon, abortion reform in, 331 n15


Orphans, 39 ;

orphanages, 132

Ott, Dr. Harold A., 176

Our Bodies, Ourselves (Boston Women's Health Collective), 226

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