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MacKenzie, Dr. Robert A., 178 -79

Maginnis, Patricia, 223 , 224 , 331 n18

Male-dominated spaces, 126 , 127 , 161 , 165 , 194 , 229

Mandy, Dr. Arthur J., 218

Mann, Sophie, 75

Marbury, William, 221

Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital (New Jersey), 179 , 180

Marquette University School of Medicine, 63

Marriage, 261 n8;

as alternative to abortion, 84 , 115 ,133 ;

in coroners' investigations, 128 ;

enforcement of, 297 n3;

interracial, 237 ;

power relations in, 37 -38, 59 ;

state intervention in, 115 , 129 -31

Martin, Ada, 149 , 151 , 311 n76;

arrest of, 160 ;

conviction of, 166 . See also Gabler-Martin abortion clinic; People v. Martin

Maryland, 331 n15;

Court of Appeals, 188

Massachusetts: Medical Society, 87 , 120 ;

midwives of, 281 n81

Maternal health, national policy on, 110 -11

Maternal mortality, 39 , 77 , 28 nn109, 110, 285 n116;

after legalized abortion, 246 -47;

blame of midwives for, 91 , 95 ;

decline in, 339 n5;

under legal abortion, 339 n4;

public opinion on, 190 -91;

race as factor in, 211 -12, 319 nn60, 61;

resulting from abortion, 43, 138 -39, 140 , 340 n7, fig. 7

Maternity homes, 28 -29, 107 195, 306 n21;

investigation of, 105 -6

May, Elaine Tyler, 163

McCarthyism, 163 , 172 -73, 192 , 315 n12;

anti-Semitism in, 320 n65;

effect on therapeutic abortion, 180 , 192

McGoorty, John P., 104

Medical practice: ambiguities in, 145 -46;

locations of, 48 , 68 ;

monitoring of, 219

Medical practice acts, of Illinois, 107 , 116

Medical profession, 1 ;

on abortion law reform, 143 , 234 ;

admission of women to, 11 -12;

antiabortion policies of, 4 , 48 , 55 -56, 82 ;

business aspects of, 48 -49, 84 -85;

in Chicago Times exposé, 50 ;

claims to moral superiority, 57 , 82 , 85 , 234 , 277 n39;

class identity of, 208 ;

competition in, 67 ;

conservatism of, 172 ;

control of reproductive rights, 3 , 208 , 214 ;

cooperation with

Continued on next page.


Continued from previous page.

state, 3 , 81 , 88 -90, 115 -16 120 -25, 131 , 226 , 249 , 260 n5;

disagreement within, 4 ., 5 , 48 , 64 , 247 ;

discourse on abortion, 7 -8, 24 -25, 61 -63, 67 , 164 ;

eighteenth-century, 9 ;

elimination of abortionists from, 81 ;

exemption from abortion debate, 100 , 105 , 108 ;

feminists on, 3 , 260 n6;

and national health insurance, 172 , 295 n111;

power in, 324 n115;

rejection of male authority in, 226 ;

self-regulation of, 88 , 97 ;

social authority of, 13 -14;

state control of, n, 116 ;

support of abortion reform, 216 , 234 , 244

Medical schools: in antiabortion campaigns, 87 , 90 ;

Catholic, 337 n80;

of Chicago, 57 ;

cooperation with state, 4 ;

women in, 4 .

Medical societies: African American, 234 ;

physician-abortionists in, 61 , 72 , 81See also American Medical Association; Chicago Medical Society; National Medical Association

Medical students: abortion training for, 252 ;

acceptance of abortion, 143 ;

in Chicago Times exposé, 55 -56;

obstetrical training of, 92 , 97 , 101 , 292 n70, 293 n81

Medico-Legal Society (Chicago), 55

Men: and alcohol abuse, 59 ;

control over women, 35 , 44 , 257 , 245 , 253 ;

as legislators, 13 ;

penalties for abortion, 115 ;

sexual domination of women, 12 . See also Gay men; Gender; Heterosexual relations; Husbands; Lovers, male; Male-dominated spaces

Menstruation: 19 , 38 ;

restoration of, 8 -9, 13 , 20 , 24 , 51 ;

government surveillance of, 126 , 127 , 128 , 250

Mental illness, therapeutic abortion for, 183 , 184 , 187 , 201 -3, 207 , 241 , 326 n26, 327 n36

Mercereau, Dr. C. W., 71

Mexicans: hostility toward, 11 ;

use of abortion, 136

Mexico, 224 , 253

Meyerowitz, Joanne, 32 , 270 n,41

Michael Reese Hospital (Chicago), 240

Michigan Boulevard Sanitarium (Chicago), 72

Midwifery schools, 57 , 101 ;

proposed, 107

Midwives: abortion charges against, 288 n42;

abortions provided by, 70 -71, 74 -75, 96 , 281 nn76, 81;

African American, 73 , 137 -48;

alliances with physicians, 96 , 290 n53;

arrangement of adoption, 52 -53;

blackmailing of, 98 ;

boarding of abortion patients, 74 -75;

check-ups by, 74 , 283 n100;

clientele of, 76 ;

convictions of, 291 n62;

disappearance of, 111 , 147 , 281 n80, 296 n117;

of early nineteenth century, 10 ;

fees of, 74 , 96 , 283 n985 feminist historians of, 91 ;

frequency of abortions by, 71 ;

history of, 288 n42, 290 n53;

identification with patients, 73 -74, 76 ;

immigrant, 75 , 81 , 91 -92, 147 ;

licensing of, 93 ;

location of practice, 48 ;

mistreatment by officials, 98 -99;

national distribution of, 283 n105;

of New York, 90 , 96 , 281 n81, 291 n62;

obstetric practices of, 95 ;

organizations of, 98 , 292 n76;

physicians' defense of, 96 , 290 n53;

prosecution of, 88 ;

public debate on, 104 -5;

refusal of abortion, 52 -53, 276 n21;

regulation of, 94 -95, 97 , 107 , 109 , 290 n56, 292 n79;

safety records of, 77 -79, 91 , 95 -96, 100 , 284 n111;

surveillance of, 98 -100;

techniques of, 75 -76;

training of, 57 , 100 -101, 107 . See also Antimidwife antiabortion campaign

Midwives, of Chicago, 47 , 281 nn76, 81;

Anti-Graft Association, 98 ;

campaign against, 92 -101;

clients of, 73 ;

regulation of, 97 -98;

self-defense of, 98 -99;

in Times exposé, 52 -53;

in vice investigation, 99

Miller, Dr. G.-P., 122 -23

Miller, Dr. Truman W., 25

Miller, Patricia, 326 n18

Millstone, Dr. Henry James, 149 , 311 n76

Milwaukee, 78

Minneapolis, 78 , 154

Miscarriage: abortion disguised as, 72 ;

coroners' investigation of, 270 n61, 273 n85;

fatal, 284 n110, 293 n86;

mortality in, 77 , 102 , 117 ;

surveillance of, 250 ;

suspicion of, 123

Mississippi, 241

Missouri, 336 n70

Mitchell, Dr. Justin L., 29 , 72 , 313 n113

Mohr, James C., 10 , 268 n15, 286 n8

Monmouth Memorial Hospital (New Jersey), 178 , 320 n76


Montana, 253

Morality: gender differences in, 12 , 58 -59;

physicians' superiority in, 57 , 82 , 234 , 277 n39;

women's superiority in, 12 , 264 n39

Morality, popular: acceptance of abortion, 6 -7, 21 -22, 44 -45, 81 , 112 , 116 , 244 .

Moriarity, Daniel, 155 , 313 n111

Mortality. See Infant morality; Maternal mortality

Motherhood: as expectation, 163 , 195 ;

immigrant, 91 ;

and pregnancy, 273 n86;

"voluntary," 12 , 229 , 264 n39

Mothers: and children, 39 -40;

and housework, 40 ;

support for unmarried daughters, 27 -28;

threats to life of, 251 , 341 n21;

use of abortion, 38 , 273 n85

Mothers, unmarried: charities for, 28 -29;

child rearing by, 29 ;

male responsibility for, 297 n3;

mothers' support for daughters, 27 -28;

New Right on, 196 ;

psychiatrists' views on, 331 n20;

sterilization of, 207 . See also Women, unmarried

Mt. Sinai Hospital, 179 , 180

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