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Manuscript Sources

To the Reader: This list is less detailed than I had planned because I was unable to get back to Paris to check many of the specific archival references.

Archives Nationales (AN)

Civil Registers of the Parlement

x1a 1519-20. Protests and other items relating to the Concordat (1517-19).

x1a 1527-29. Documentation of exchanges between the Parlement and Louise de Savoie, containing protests of the appointment of Antoine Duprat to the benefices of Sens and St-Benoît (1525-26).

x1a 1528, fols. 533-535. Speech of Pierre Lizet as avocat du roi, against royal evocations of cases that diminished the powers of Parlement (July 1525).

x1a 1529, fol. 349r. Exchange between président Charles Guillart and Louis de Berquin on Parlement's powers over its own members (July 1527).

x1a 1550, fol. 278. Speech of Pierre Lizet, as premier président, and procureur général Noël Brulart on current preaching and royal policy (1543).

x1a 1581-88. Protests of Pierre (I) Séguier and Adrien Du Drac regarding royal religious policy (Henri II), including the Chambre Ardente and the proposal to establish an inquisition (1555-57).

x1a 1590, fol. 92. Speech of Pierre (I) Séguier to Henri II summarizing mainstream parlementaire objections to royal policy in regard to church and state (December 1558).

x1a 1591-94. Events of 1559-60, the mercuriale of June 1559, trials of parlementaires arrested.

x1a 1596. Trials and interrogations of suspects (1561).

x1a 1597-99. Debates and exchanges with representatives of the crown on the Edict of January 1562.

x1a 1599. Exchanges between Chancellor Michel de l'Hôpital and président François de Saint-André that summarize the differences between royal religious policy and that of Parlement (1560-62).


x1a 1600-7. Climactic confrontation of crown and court, premier président Christophe de Thou the leading spokesman concerning admission of parlementaires who had refused to make profession of faith in June 1462; registration of the Edict of Amboise (March 1563) ending the first Civil War with concessions to Huguenots; the legality of the Edict of May 1563 proclaiming the majority of Charles IX in the Parlement of Rouen.

x1a 1626-38. Registers of 1572.

x1a 1646-49. Parlement's protests and actions in response to the fiscal edicts of 1586 (Henri III).

x1a 1676. Parlement's objections to the Peace of Monsieur (spring 1576).

x1a 1709-30. The Parlement of the League, 1588-94.

x1a 1757-63. Exchanges of Parlement with the crown and papal legates/nuncios over the Edict of Nantes and the Trent decrees.

Bibliothèque Nationale (BN)

Fonds français

4047. Captains' request of 1562.

4397. Harangues du premier président Archille de Harlay.

4766. Speeches and letters of Paul de Foix and Arnauld Du Ferrier.

13813. Remonstrances de l'ouverture (edited, published? 1600).

13814. Remonstrances de Jacques de La Guesle (1611).

16518. Harangues de Pierre (I) Séguier.

18058. Remonstrances de Pierre (I) Séguier.

Fonds Dupuy

117. Recueil on Concordat, includes protests.

118 and 132, 356-363. Recueils of documents containing arguments against acceptance of the Trent decrees.

137. Extraits des registres, include edicts against "Lutherans" in 1530s.

215-216. Arrêts de la cour de Parlement, miscellaneous: no. 104, enquête sur l'âge et moeurs d'Archille de Harlay avant sa réception, 10 mars 1557; no. 107, arrêts contre Anne du Bourg, 1559; no. 115, procédure contre Paul de Foix, 6 février 1560; nos. 132-136, procédures contre J. Poille, 1556; nos. 110-112, exchanges between Christophe de Thou and François de Saint-André, 10 mai 1560, that dramatize differences between moderates and ultras on religious policy and church-state relations.

225. Recueil de remonstrances, 1557-79.

246. Recueil de discours: by L'Hôpital, Antoine Séguier, and Du Vair.

301. Extraits des registres, choses mémorables, 1560-86.

313. Harangues et remonstrances, 1572-96: by Pybrac, Jacques Faye.

322-323. Extraits des registres, 1535-49, documentation on heretics and remonstrances; protests against policy announced by L'Hôpital in 1561.

385-386. Extraits des registres, collected by Gilles Le Maistre, on heretics and religious policy, 1550s.

504. Extraits des depêches des ambassadeurs français, 1547-1626.

505. Extraits des depêches des ambassadeurs français à Rome, 1550s-1590s.


546, fol. 57-59. Achille de Harlay, speech on the coronation of Henri IV.

549, no. 20. Christophe de Thou, ordonnances pour le repos de Paris, 1563.

558. Speeches of Brisson and La Guesle, 1583.

722-723. Recueil des remonstrances, miscellaneous, on religious policy and constitutional issues, 1560s-1580s.

845. Recueil, miscellaneous: speech of Jean Bouchart against the Concordat (1518).

879-880. Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Jacques-Auguste de Thou.

Bibliothèque de la société de l'histoire du protestantisme français

486. Extraits des registres criminels du Parlement de Paris en ce qui se rapporte aux Protestants, 1534-84 (compiled by Nicolas Dongois, d. 1717 [nephew of Boileau], greffier for 60 years. This section of vol. 3 [1499-1603] covers 85 volumes).

487 1-2. Extraits des registres du Parlement de Paris concernant les héréiques (compiled by Henri Bordier from Civil Registers of Parlement); arrêts et extraits des registres criminels du Parlement de Paris concernant les héréiques pendant la première guerre de religion (compiled by Paul Guérin from Criminal Registers of Parlement).

488 1-2. Tables Le Nain, Parlement de Paris, 1530-62; 1563-77 (a copy of AN U 551 Tables de Le Nain).

491 1-4. Extraits sur l'ordre de M. Guizot des manuscrits de la BN qui permettent de suivre jour après jour ce qui s'est passé sous le règne de Charles IX.

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