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Eastman, Dr. Nicholson J., 321 n82

Ebony , 197 -98, 231 , 325 n14

Eclectics (physicians), 73 , 282 n92

Education, in abortion decisions, 195 , 306 n19, 306 n21

Edwards, Dr. E. W., 45 , 47 , 52 , 54

Ehrlich, Paul R, 333 n42

Emerson, Flossie, 300 n21

England: Abortion Law Reform Association, 140 , 220 ;

birth control movement, 140 , 142 ;

Bourne case in, 175 , 176 , 220 ;

legalized abortion in, 140 -41, 189 -90, 236 , 308 n42;

London, as abortion center, 61 ;

maternal mortality in, 339 n5;

Pall Mall Gazette (London), 49 , 50 ;

and sex trade, 50

Etheridge, Dr. James H., 55 , 56

Ethnicity: in Chicago Times expose, 50 ;

and choice of abortionist, 76 ;

in differences among women, 16 ;

as factor in abortion, 135 , 193 ;

in therapeutic abortion, 205 , 207 , 327 n42

Eugenics: in abortion decisions, 64 , 203 -4, 279 n59;

and sterilization, 328 n50

Europe, legalized abortion in, 140 -41, 142 , 308 n44. Set also England; Soviet Union

Evidence: in coroners' inquests, 115 , 127 ;

illegal, 166 , 317 n33

Exclusionary rule (evidence), 317 n33

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