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Baby farms, 298 n8

"Back-alley butchers," 133 , 304 n4

Bacon, Dr. Charles Sumner, 23 , 82 , 90 , 267 n9;

on midwives, 94 , 95 , 96 ;

and Sheppard-Towner Act, 111

Baker, Dr. S. Josephine, 295 n112

Ballard, Martha, 31

Baltimore: abortion clinics in, 158 ;

midwives of, 281 n81. See also Johns Hopkins University; Timanus, Dr. George Loutrell

Bar associations, in abortion rights movement, 222

Barrett, James R, 292 n76

Bastardy. See Illegitimacy

Bellevue Hospital (New York), 136

Belous, Dr. Leon, 233 , 235 , 236 , 337 n81

Benn, Wilhelmina, 73 , 74

Bérubé, Michael, 204

Bill of Rights, 166 , 317 n33

Birth control, 26 , 41 , 42 , 196 ;

abortion as, 36 -37, 141 ;

availability of, 117 , 134 , 196 , 229 ;

class as factor in, 40 -41;

economic reasons for, 35 -36;

effectiveness of, 229 ;

as genocide, 232 ;

insurance for, 341 n20;

legalization of, 134 , 323 n111;

physicians' dispensing of, 134 , 139 , 296 n115;

popular support for, 111 ;

public debate on, 6 -7;

racism in, 231 ;

religious publications on, 262 n17. See also names of individual methods

Birth control clinics, 111 ;

of Chicago, 37 ;

of Depression era, 306 n19;

opposition to, 296 n115;

working-class women in, 23

Birth control movement, 6 -7, 220 ;

AMA in, 134 ;

criticism of medical profession, 111 ;

English, 140 , 142 ;

on family size, 273 n94;

perspective on abortion, 36 -42, 141 , 142 , 143 , 272 n76, 309 n48;

professionals in, 142 ;

and "race suicide," 104 ;

response of organized religion to, 6 -7, 262 n18;

test cases in, 189 , 323 n111. See also Planned Parenthood

Birth Control Review , 37 , 41 . See also Sanger, Margaret

Birth rate: nineteenth-century, 11 ;

rise in, 163

"Black genocide," 231 , 232

Black Panther Party, 334 -50

Blinn, Dr. Odelia, 57 -58, 59

Blood transfusions, 162 , 339 n5

Bolter, Dr. Sidney, 203

Booth, Heather, 224 , 332 n26

Borst, Charlotte, 283 n97

Boston, 10 , 11 , 333 n35

Bourne, Dr. Aleck, 175 , 176 ;

challenge to abortion law, 182 , 189 -90, 220

Breastfeeding, mandatory, 28 , 270 n39

Brickman, Jane Pacht, 288 n42, 295 n111

Brookes, Barbara, 27

Brooks, Sara, 137 -48

Brown, Elaine, 334 -n50

Brown v. Board of Education , 189

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 27 , 297 n3

Buettner, Dr. Adolph, 129

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