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Factory clubs, 176 ;

Proletkult control of, 212

Factory committees:

and cultural work, 24 -25, 33 ;

in February Revolution, 22 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 27 , 53

Factory Proletkult organizations, 54 , 71 , 77 , 188 , 220

Faidysh, Vladimir, 69n, 108 , 201 , 219

Family, proletarian, 173 -83;

values of, 173

February Revolution (1917), 21 , 29 , 116 ;

educational reforms in, 22


First Five-Year Plan, 245 -51;

cultural ramifications of, 245 ;

and growth of Proletkult, 229

First National Conference. See National Founding Conference (1918)

First Workers' Socialist Club (Kostroma), 187

First Workers' Theater (Moscow), 240 , 241 , 242 -43

Folk music, 125 , 134

For the Red Soviets (Za krasnye sovety ) (play), 142

Forward (Vpered ) (journal), 98

The Foundry (Kuznitsa ) (journal), 102 , 155

Furnace (Gorn ) (Proletkult journal), 150 , 151 , 221 ;

demise of, 234

The Future (Griadushchee ) (Proletkult journal), xxvii , 52 , 82 , 132 ;

editorial policies of, 139 -40

Futurism, 204 , 205 , 239 -40;

attacked by Proletkult, 145 ;

denunciations of, 149 , 150

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