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Whatever is it,
that stu,
that smoke,
when it goes—
it burns,
and when the smoke goes,
the person,
the one who has come to an end and is finally gone
goes into the sky as smoke,
he goes like this and like this,
he is the one,
and they go back and describe it again:
that one is cloudy,
and it's windy,
and it stays in the sky like this;
it's cloudy, like this;
it's windy, and it stays in the sky;
and as for the moon,
the moon is giving instructions,
that's the one,
it goes back like this,
it goes that far in time and it rains,
it goes that far in time and it's cold,
it goes that far in time and it's hot,
it goes that far in time and it's cloudy and shady,
and so,
it goes along;

that's the tradition,
that's what it must be, they say,
that's the tradition,
and it comes back like this.
Excerpt from an account of “The Soul” Quechan, Tom Kelly, 1978 Abraham Halpern, Kar'úk

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