Preferred Citation: Greene, Ellen, editor. Reading Sappho: Contemporary Approaches. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Claude Calame is professor of Greek at the University of Lausanne. His interest in modes of poetic enunciation and his curiosity about social and cultural anthropology led him to the study of ritual and symbolic aspects of ancient Greek literature. Among his publications are Les chœurs de jeunes filles en Grèce archaïque , 2 vols. (Rome, 1977), translated as Choruses ofgoung Women in Ancient Greece (Lanham, Md., 1995); Le récit en Grèce ancienne (Paris, 1986); Thésée et l'imaginaire athénien (Lausanne, 1990); I Greci e l'eros (Rome, 1992). He has also edited several collected volumes, including L'amore in Grecia (Rome/Bari, 1984); Métamorphoses du mythe en Grèce antique (Geneva, 1988; and Figures grecques de l'intermédiaire (Lausanne/Paris, 1992).

Anne Carson is professor of classics at McGill University. She is the author of Eros the Bittersweet (Princeton, 1986), numerous articles on ancient Greek literature, and poetry of her own.

Page duBois is professor of classics at the University of Southern California. Her many publications include Centaurs and Amazons: Women and the Pre-History of the Great Chain of Bring (Ann Arbor, 1982); Sowing the Body: Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representation of Women (Chicago, 1988); Torture and Truth (New York, 1990); and Sappho is Burning (Chicago, 1995).

Ellen Greene , the editor of this volume, is assistant professor of classics at the University of Oklahoma. She has published articles on gender and sexuality in the poetry of Sappho, Catullus, Propertius, and Ovid. Her book, Gender, Power, and the Poetics of Desire: Studies in Latin Love Poetry (forthcoming, Chapel Hill), examines representations of women and the construction of gender in Catullus, Propertius, and Ovid.


Judith P. Hallett , professor of classics at the University of Maryland, College Park, has published widely on Latin language and literature; women, sexuality and the family in classical antiquity; and the classical tradition. In the summer of 1994, she codirected a summer institute for college faculty on "Sappho and Lady Mary Wroth: Major Writers of Classical Antiquity and the English Renaissance," which was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Giuliana Lanata is a professor at the University of Genoa. In addition to numerous articles, her books include Poetica preplatonica: testimonianze e frammenti (Florence, 1963); Medicina magica e religione popolare (Rome, 1967); Gli atti dei martiri come documenti processuali (Milan, 1973); Legislazione e natura nelle novelle giustinianee (Naples, 1984; Esercizi di memoria (Bari, 1989); Processi contro i cristiani negli atti dei martiri (Turin, 1989); and Società e diritto nel mondo tardo antico: sei saggi sulle novelle giustinianee (Turin, 1994).

André Lardinois is assistant professor of classics at the University of Minnesota. His main area of study is early Greek poetry. He coauthored a book, with T.C.W. Oudemans, entitled Tragic Ambiguity: Anthropology, Philosophy and Sophocles' Antigone (Leiden, 1987), and he has published several articles on Sappho and Greek tragedy.

Mary R. Lefkowitz is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Wellesley College. Her books include Heroines and Hysterics (London, 1981); Women's Life in Greece and Rome , with Maureen B. Fant (Baltimore, 1982); Women in Greek Myth (London, 1986); and most recently Not Out of Africa (New York, 1996), and Black Athena Revisited , with Guy MacLean Rogers (Chapel Hill, 1996).

Gregory Nagy is the Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Lierature and professor of comparative literature at Harvard University. He is the author of The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry (Baltimore, 1979), which won the Goodwin Award of Merit, American Philological Association, in 1982. His most recent book is Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond (Cambridge, 1996). Earlier publications include Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter (Cambridge, Mass., 1974); Greek Mythology and Poetics (Ithaca, 1990); and Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past (Baltimore, 1990). In July 1994, he became chair of Harvard's classics department.

William Robins is assistant professor of English at the University of Toronto.

Charles Segal is professor of Greek and Latin at Harvard University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and served as president of the American Philological Association for 1993-94. His most recent books are Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow (Durham, N.C., 1993); Oedipus Tyrannus :


Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge (New York, 1993); Singers, Heroes, and Gods in the Odyssey (Ithaca, 1994); and Sophocles' Tragic World: Divinity, Nature, Society (Cambridge, Mass., 1995).

Marilyn B. Skinner is professor of classics at the University of Arizona. She has published numerous articles on the female poetic tradition in ancient Greece, focusing on Sappho and her successors Corinna, Erinna, and Nossis. She has also published widely on Roman constructions of gender and sexuality, especially in the poetry of Catullus, and is coeditor of the forthcoming essay collection Roman Sexualities .

Eva Stehle is associate professor of classics at the University of Maryland. Her interests center on ancient religions, poetry and performance, and women's roles in these areas. Her book, Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece (Princeton, 1996), concludes with a chapter on Sappho.

Margaret Williamson is senior lecturer in classical studies at St. Mary's University College, University of Surrey. She has written on various aspects of Greek literature and has assisted with translations of Greek tragedy for the stage. She is the author of Sappho's Immortal Daughters (Cambridge, Mass., 1995).

Jack Winkler was professor of classics at Stanford University until his death in 1990. He is the author of Auctor and Actor: A Narratological Reading of Apuleius' Golden Ass (Berkeley, 1985) and Constraints of Desire: The Anthropology of Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece (New York, 1989). He is coeditor, with David Halperin and Froma Zeitlin, of Before Sexuality (Princeton, 1990) and, with Froma Zeitlin, of Nothing to Do with Dionysos ? (Princeton, 1990).



Preferred Citation: Greene, Ellen, editor. Reading Sappho: Contemporary Approaches. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.