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1. cover
Title: Darwin in Russian thought online access is available to everyone
Author: Vucinich, Alexander 1914-
Published: University of California Press,  1989
Subjects: Science | History and Philosophy of Science
Publisher's Description: Darwin in Russian Thought represents the first comprehensive and systematic study of Charles Darwin's influence on Russian thought from the early 1860s to the October Revolution. While concentrating on the role of Darwin's theory in the development of Russian science and philosophy, Vucinich also ex . . . [more]
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2. cover
Title: Japan's new middle class; the salary man and his family in a Tokyo suburb, online access is available to everyone
Author: Vogel, Ezra F
Published: University of California Press,  1971
Subjects: Asian Studies | Sociology | Economics and Business
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3. cover
Title: Stravinsky and the Rite of spring: the beginnings of a musical language online access is available to everyone
Author: Van den Toorn, Pieter C 1938-
Published: University of California Press,  1987
Subjects: Music | Composers
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4. cover
Title: When capitalists collide: business conflict and the end of empire in Egypt online access is available to everyone
Author: Vitalis, Robert 1955-
Published: University of California Press,  1995
Subjects: Politics | Ancient History | Middle Eastern Studies | Middle Eastern History
Publisher's Description: Robert Vitalis's empirically rich study challenges the left-nationalist paradigm through which twentieth-century Egyptian history and politics has generally been interpreted. He argues with those who explain Egyptian economic development primarily in terms of class and of power struggles between Bri . . . [more]
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5. cover
Title: Jewish memories online access is available to everyone
Author: Valensi, Lucette
Published: University of California Press,  1991
Subjects: Jewish Studies | Postcolonial Studies
Publisher's Description: Collective memory: a living, breathing gift from the past, less fragmentary than the recollections of any one individual, more personal by far than "history." The authors of Jewish Memories saw in the large numbers of Jews who migrated to France during the twentieth century the chance to retrieve a . . . [more]
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6. cover
Title: Modern Japanese organization and decision-making online access is available to everyone
Author: Vogel, Ezra F
Published: University of California Press,  1985
Subjects: Asian Studies | Sociology | Economics and Business
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7. cover
Title: The spirit of freedom: South African leaders on religion and politics online access is available to everyone
Author: Villa-Vicencio, Charles
Published: University of California Press,  1996
Subjects: Religion | Politics | African Studies
Publisher's Description: This collection of interviews explores the role of religion in the lives of eminent South Africans who led the struggle against apartheid. Nelson Mandela, Chris Hani, Desmond Tutu, Nadine Gordimer, and seventeen other political, religious, and cultural leaders share the beliefs and values that infor . . . [more]
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8. cover
Title: Memory and re-creation in troubadour lyric online access is available to everyone
Author: Van Vleck, Amelia Eileen
Published: University of California Press,  1991
Subjects: Literature | European Literature | Medieval Studies
Publisher's Description: In spite of the fame of individual singers, many of whose names are legendary, the songs of the troubadours often come to us in multiple versions, each with a different sequence of stanzas. What accounts for this variability? Authorial self-effacement might explain why much anonymous medieval poetry . . . [more]
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9. cover
Title: The Creation of tribalism in Southern Africa online access is available to everyone
Author: Vail, Leroy
Published: University of California Press,  1989
Subjects: History | African History | African Studies | Ethnic Studies
Publisher's Description: Despite a quarter century of "nation building," most African states are still driven by ethnic particularism - commonly known as "tribalism." The stubborn persistence of tribal ideologies despite the profound changes associated with modernization has puzzled scholars and African leaders alike. The b . . . [more]
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10. cover
Title: South Africa, a study in conflict online access is available to everyone
Author: Van den Berghe, Pierre L
Published: University of California Press,  1967
Subjects: African Studies
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11. cover
Title: Bolshevik festivals, 1917-1920 online access is available to everyone
Author: Von Geldern, James
Published: University of California Press,  1993
Subjects: History | European History | European Literature | Russian and Eastern European Studies
Publisher's Description: In the early years of the USSR, socialist festivals - events entailing enormous expense and the deployment of thousands of people - were inaugurated by the Bolsheviks. Avant-garde canvases decorated the streets, workers marched, and elaborate mass spectacles were staged. Why, with a civil war raging . . . [more]
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12. cover
Title: Representations: images of the world in Ciceronian oratory online access is available to everyone
Author: Vasaly, Ann
Published: University of California Press,  1993
Subjects: Classics | Literature | Politics | History | Literary Theory and Criticism | Classical Literature and Language
Publisher's Description: Ann Vasaly introduces representation theory into the study of Ciceronian persuasion and contends that an understanding of milieu - social, political, topographical - is crucial to understanding Ciceronian oratory. As a genre uniquely dependent on an immediate interaction between author and audience, . . . [more]
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